UDK 350. 5(450+571)(07) Vestnik SibGAU 2014, No. 3(55), P. 250–258
T. S. Popova
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology 19, Revolution Av., Voronezh, 394000, Russian Federation E-mail: popovatatser@yandex.ru
It is shown on the basis of integral and space monitoring factors that formed the industrial competitiveness policy of Russia, its innovation policy should focus on the desired fields strategic breakthrough in space and rocket, which is possible to achieve or exceed the global technological level. Russian economy is inferior to the level of innovation activity of the global community with a competitive industry. Its innovative activity is directly dependent on the size of the enterprise. Russian industrial enterprises the share of non-technological innovation is low, lagging behind the European countries. Economic data in enterprises space industry and other sectors in eight federal districts of Russia, in the Siberian Federal District, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the top 10 regions, including CFD-TSCHER, 45 leading enterprises, the author's conclusions confirmed that for the expected structural changes in modern high competitive areas, achieving a high level of competitiveness of the space industry in the basis of analytical estimates should be of critical technologies and system management tool that gets in the world called “Technology Platforms”. The author shows that there is a need to develop an integrated management approach and a corresponding innovative tools that allow a single system to consider the priorities of different levels and the scale and stage of the innovation cycle of both the state and business. According to analytical estimates by the author in the structure of the total profits of enterprises of extractive industries priority belongs to the production of energy minerals. Reveals the author's scientific and practical approach, methodology and applications of modern tools in relation to the competitiveness of Russian policy in the industry as a whole, and astronautics, rocketry particularly conducive to modernity demanded structural changes, allowing an economic point of view on the proposed criteria in the comparative analytical characteristics of these critical technologies with Russian technology platforms and technology initiatives of the international community with a high level of competitiveness of the rocket and space industry and economic system of the country as a whole. New versions of the management of the modern knowledge-based competitive technological areas, such as in aerospace industry, and structural changes in them will require the development of new methodologies and tools to solve actual fundamental economic problems.
politics competitiveness, strategic priorities, analytical evaluation, critical technologies, technology platforms, space monitoring.

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Popova Tatyana Sergeevna – Candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of management, organization production and sector of the economy FGBOY VPO VGUIT, Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology. E-mail: dysya704@mail.ru