Sending articles

Articles prepared according to the requirements are sent by the following e-mail:







  1. экспертное заключение;



Office: P-416, 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, Russia 660037

Телефон: (391)290-42-31


Contact person: Goloskova Nelya Nikolaevna, editor

Rules for authors

Files with the article are accepted by e-mail

Digital copy. The article is typed in Microsoft Office Word 2003 (doc file name extension)!

The length of the article 5–20 pages (including figures, tables and references), a short message - 4–5 pages, review article - up to 20 pages.

Page settings.. A4 format (210 × 297). Fields: right and left - 2 cm, upper and lower - 2.5 cm.

Text. Font Times New Roman 12. Subtitles: Font Times New Roman 12 bold.

Line spacing – single, letter spacing and word spacing - normal, word wrap is not allowed.

Paragraph indent is 0.5 cm.

It is not allowed (!) to type texts in capital letters and bold type (except for the name), and also to place all the indicated elements within the framework and imitate the design of the set executed in the journal.

The article should contain the subject, topic, purpose of the work; method or methodology of the work; work results; scope of results; findings.

Pages are not numbered.


1) UDC identifierprecedes the title of the article, corresponds to the stated topic and is affixed in the upper left corner of the sheet.

2) The title of the article:no more than 15 words. Abbreviations and clipping in the title are not allowed.

3) Авторы. Инициалы и фамилия. Количество авторов одной статьи не более пяти. Внимание! В авторский коллектив могут быть включены не более одного студента или аспиранта! Статьи аспирантов принимаются только в соавторстве с научным руководителем! Автор имеет право публиковаться в выпуске один раз, второй - в соавторстве.

4) The author's affiliation in the publication: the name and address of the organization, as well as e-mail the author-correspondent. If there are several authors, each surname and the corresponding organization have a digital superscript. If all authors of the article work in the same organization, it is indicated once;

5) Abstract: at least 230–250 words. Abstract structure: the purpose of the study, methods, results, conclusion. Italic

6) Keywords: no more than 5–7 words or phrases. Italic

7) The main text is constructed according to the following scheme and contains mandatory subheadings:






           - Introduction

          -  Thematic subheadings for the main part of the text

          - Conclusion.

Acknowledgments (if there is an indication of sources of funding, grants).

14) Acknowledgements (Благодарности дублируются на английском языке).

15) Bibliographic references. Bibliographic references must contain at least 15 sources! Bibliographic references are made in Russian according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008. References to sources are placed in the text in square brackets in the order of numbering as they are cited.

  BGN (

17) Information about the authors. For example:

Сенашов Сергей Иванович – доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой ИЭС; Сибирский государственный университет науки и технологий имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева. E-mail:

Senashov Sergei Ivanovich – Dr. Sc, Professor, Head of the Department of IES; Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail:


Figures. Figures should be numbered consecutively, have a name and a link to the figure in the text (fig. 1, fig. 2, etc.).

Formulas. Formulas in the text are typed in the Math Type formula editor. The typeface and font sizes must match the main body of the text, i.e. the main text font is Times New Roman 11 and the main size of formulas is 11.

– character sizes are determined by the standard settings Math Type (Size - Define - Factory);

– Russian and Greek characters - in plain text;

Latin designations, except for stable forms, names like: max, min, cos, sin, tg, log, exp, det, etc., are typed in italics.

Formulas typed in separate lines, placed in the center. It is not allowed (!) to type in the main text of the article simple Latin, Greek, or special characters in the formula editor.

Tables should be sequentially numbered and denoted by the text as table. 1, tab. 2, etc. The word “table” is typed in light italics with alignment to the right, in font 11, below — the title of the table (in bold in the center).


The names and email addresses entered on this journal’s site will be used solely for the purposes identified by this journal and will not be used for any other purposes or provided to other individuals or organizations.