UDK 658
V. N. Tovstonoshenko
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation Е-mail: teachervalya@mail.ru
In modern conditions the rocket and space industry (RCP) is a basic element of domestic space potential, competitive on the world market of space technology and different high-tech production processes and created products, has a high innovative potential, effective implementation which is able to influence the development of Russian economy. Innovative activity of the enterprises of rocket and space industry is associated with high costs for the development of new rocket and space technology projects, financed mainly from budget sources of venture funds and special funds. In the process of innovation due to the uncertainty of conditions for the development of situations of risk, due to the presence of a number of factors associated with the instability of the economic market conditions, geopolitical situation in the world community and influencing the activity of the enterprises of rocket and space industry are appeared. The result of the developed projects of innovative activity depends on the level of risk and uncertainty and it is therefore necessary to evaluate and manage them. The study identified the factors and causes of risks of innovation activity of enterprises, as well as their main functions and characteristics. In this paper, we propose a classification of risks the positions of the positive and negative impact on the innovative activity of the enterprises of rocket and space industry.
Uncertainty, risk, innovation, factors and causes of risk, the basic functions of risk, risk classification, risk characterization.
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Tovstonoshenko Valentina Nikolaevna – Docent, Department of Logistics, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. Е-mail: teachervalua@mail.ru