UDK 338.45.01
S. V. Eremeeva
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation E-mail: ixx@list.ru
The tasks of development of innovative activity are particularly important for aerospace industry, where high-tech enterprises use unique high-tech industries, progressive advances within the area of fundamental research and applied research, realize cross-cutting technologies. The success of innovative activity of any high-tech enterprise of rocket and space industry is defined by its innovative potential, which generally characterizes the company's ability to independently solve new tasks, associated with the production of innovative products, the implementation of innovative projects, and introduction of new technologies. The aim of present study is foundation of the methodological tools of management of development of innovative potential of high-tech enterprises of the rocket and space industry. The objectives of the study are: 1) development of a conceptual approach to the management of the development of innovative potential of high technology enterprise of the rocket and space industry, including the formulation of problems, formulation of the provisions and principles of management system generating of development of innovative potential of high-tech enterprise of the rocket and space industry; 2) foundation of choice of management tools development of innovative potential, taking into account the features of the current activities of the high-technology enterprise of the rocket and space industry. In the research the private principles of management system development of innovative potential are defined: the principle of diffusion; the principle of reproducibility of innovation potential through the commercialization; principle of payback; principle of an advancing; principle of stability. The process of solving the problems of development of innovative potential of the rocket and space industry, supporting the methodology of using the tree of objectives method, is suggested to break into six consecutive stages, the results of which realization will be considered in the program of innovative development of the enterprise. The stages of management of development of innovative potential include: formation of alternative options of innovative development of the high-tech enterprise on medium-term prospect; determination of necessary innovative potential for the chosen option of innovative development of the high-tech enterprise of the space-rocket industry; calculation of size of a gain of innovative potential for components; choice of instruments of development of innovative potential; comparative analysis of necessary innovative capacity of the high-tech enterprise of the space-rocket industry; realization of innovative potential.
innovative development, high-tech companies, rocket and space industry, innovation potential.
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Eremeeva Svetlana Vital’evna – senior lecturer, Department of Accounting, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: ixx@list.ru