UDK 658.7
E. V. Belyakova
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation E-mail: beliakova@sibsau.ru
The space potential development of Russia is one of the priorities of the state policy. The space activity results should give more practical impact, to serve innovative development of Russia, the solution of a wide range of applied problems in industry, in the medical field, telecommunications, transport, strengthening security of the Russian Federation and its competitiveness in the world. A big role in solving the problems is to implement opportunities and logistics potential of enterprises in the rocket-space industry. It is worth noting that, the logistics potential of economic systems has begun to be considered and analyzed separately recently, so at present time the formation of conceptual and methodological apparatus which describing this category is transpired. The article proposed the author's definition of logistics potential. The choice of the indicator methods for estimating the logistic potential of enterprise is justified. The assessment is based on a system of indicators, characterizing the three main groups of parameters: logistics system, logistics infrastructure and the effect investment in logistics, which most fully characterize logistics processes and operations, the effectiveness of existing logistics infrastructure and assets, as well as the effect of investment the financial resources in optimization of logistics system in the company. The article proposes a methodology of assessment on the basis of a system of indicators, characterizing the logistic potential of enterprises rocket-space industry. Using this methodology will help enterprises of rocket-space industry to organize logistics and assess the effectiveness of their functioning. The indicators analysis allows to see the weak areas of logistics enterprises and to take into account in developing strategies for further development of this company. The main disadvantage of indicator method in logistic potential evaluation of enterprises rocket-space industry is the values a weight coefficients subjectivity in view of the expert assessments use. It is possible to reduce the share of subjectivity by attracting more highly qualified specialists as experts.
enterprises of rocket-space industry, logistics potential, assessment methods, the indicator method.
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Belyakova Elena Vladimirovna – Dr. Sc., Docent, Head of Logistics Department, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: ev_belyakova@rambler.ru