UDK 621.396.67
M. O. Dorofeev
JSC “Information satellite systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev” 52, Lenin str., Jeleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russian Federation E-mail: magsau@mail.ru
Currently, the creation of large antenna systems of radio engineering complexes of spacecraft is urgently needed in the process of space exploration. Large-size antenna systems provide direct access for personal consumers of civil and military departments to the resources of spacecraft, passing land operators. The large-size Transformed Antennas (LSTA) allow to create a powerful energy potential of radio lines, it is essential to reduce the sizes and costs of subscriber terminals. In the field of civil application the large-size transformed reflectors will provide direct access to the market of broadband mobile services and creation of space systems of personal and mobile communication. Considering high costs of creation of systems of space communication, its double application in interests of military and civil consumers is possible. When using as a part of the spacecraft of the large LSTA there is a problem of maintenance of the demanded geometry of antenna constructions (a reflector and an irradiator). LSTA needs in periodic adjustment of its geometrical parameters. Geometrical parameters are positions of coordinate system of antenna constructions in some basic coordinate system of spacecraft. For carrying out adjustment of geometrical parameters it is necessary to define them by the operating organs. Determination of geometrical parameters of the antenna is carried out due to measurement of coordinates controlled points of a construction surface. Measurement of coordinates of control points is carried out on reflecting elements, located on antenna designs. In this regard the structure of monitoring systems of geometrical parameters LSTA with the short description of components and their basic purpose is given. The technique of definition of spatial position of non-deforming object on the spacecraft by means of one device measuring rotary is developed. As non-deforming object the irradiator of large-size antenna is considered. The technique is based on the theorem of cosines and knowledge of distances between controlled points of object measurement. At the description of a technique the minimum quantity of reflecting elements equal was considered we rub. Newton-Rafson's method is applied to the decision of the system of the equations given in algorithm of a technique. The quantity of the equations in system is defined by quantity of reflecting elements. The developed technique has rather simple mathematics and realization of algorithm. A mathematical description is presented and the results of the analysis of errors in calculations are described. Besides, applicability of the developed technique and its flexibility are described at change quantity of controllable points.
definition of spatial provision of object, onboard complex of control, large-size transformed antenna, reflector of antenna, position definition technique.
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Dorofeev Maxim Olegovich – chief of group 9358 of general design, tests and operation of onboard complex control of reflector’s position and form of department 935 design and test of systems of orientation and stabilization of spacecraft, JSC “Information Satellite System” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”. E-mail: magsau@mail.ru