UDK 629.7:532.59:539.3
S. A. Barabanov [1], V. I. Biryukov [2]*
[1] JSC “Power automatics”9, Chuksin deadlock, Moscow, 127206, Russian Federation [2] Moscow aviation institute (national research university)4, Volokolamskoe shosse, GSP-3, Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation
Wave processes in pipeline systems are at the bottom of non-uniformity of the expenses submitted liquids through them. At opening or closing of regulating armature of a power supply system of liquid rocket engines there are single shock waves which are pressure indignations in a wide spectrum of frequencies and can lead to excitation of instability of working process in gas generators or combustion chambers. The work purpose is the experimental research of processes of attenuation of the compelled fluctuations and single hydroshock waves in turbulent streams poorly compressed a drop liquid in smooth hydraulic highways of round section. As process of attenuation of shock waves is swept up only in extended paths with the relation of length to diameter of the pipeline more than several thousand the methodology of carrying out of the given work has been constructed on excitation of hydroshock waves in the main transport system which is carrying out swapping hydrocarbonic combustible and registration of pressure by gauges, placed in regular intervals along a highway. At researches indignations with amplitude more than in 2 times of level of constant hydrodynamic noise were created. Single hydroshock waves were raised by carrying out the selection of liquid. Thus in reply to crane opening (the selection beginning) the wave pressure reduction, and on closing – a compression wave was generated. The carried out spectral analysis of a signal has shown that the basic part of a spectrum of hydrodynamic fluctuations is in a frequency range to 10 Hz. Higher frequencies generated by work of pump units, quickly fade. As a result of experiments approximation dependence of decrement of attenuation of single waves of compression and pressure reduction in the form of function from Reynolds's numbers has been received. At transitive modes of a current of a liquid from laminar to turbulent dynamic changes occur in a laminar layer and the indicator of attenuation of a shock wave aspires to a constant. On the basis of the made assumptions experimental points are approximated exponential by a kind curve . By results of the spent processing values for factors have been received and comparison of the settlement data with results of experiments is executed. The satisfactory consent of results of tests to modeling installation and extended highways is shown. The received experimental dependence describing attenuation of hydroshock waves in turbulent streams, is used at carrying out of engineering calculations of power supply systems of liquid rocket engines on chair “Rocket engines” at the Moscow aviation institute.
a hydroshock wave, a spectrum of frequencies, decrement of attenuation, a resonance, turbulence, Reynolds’s number.
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Barabanov Sergey Alexandrovich – postgraduate student, Moscow aviation institute (national research university), Project Director of LLC “Energoavtomatika”. E-mail: barabanov.sergey@gmail.com

Biruykov Vasiliy Ivanovich – Dr. Sc., Docent, professor of Moscow aviation institute (national research university). E-mail: aviatex@mail.ru