UDK 658
N. E. Gilts [1], V. V. Kuimov [2], A. I. Tayursky [3]
[1] Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russian Federation [2] Siberian Federal University, Trade and Еconomic Institute 79/10, Svobodnyi Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation 3Institute of problems of continuous formation of the Russian Academy of Education 8, Kazarmenny Lane, Krasnoyarsk, 660021, Russian Federation Е-mail: negilts@mail.ru, kmarketing05@mail.ru, naukaobr@mail.ru
In the economy of Russia the enterprises of defense industry complex, owing to specifics of the realized tasks represent the hi-tech productions with the developed scientific and technical sphere allowing to let out competitive production. The transition processes caused by reforms of national economy at the end of the last century led to increase of the crisis phenomena. Considerable reduction of the state defensive order, folding of the majority of the current and perspective development, violation of structural communications, deterioration of financial and economic indicators of activity of the enterprises, decrease in their production and innovative potential essentially affected economic stability of the enterprises of defense industry complex. At the present stage of development of economy new approaches to management are required: to the forefront there are economic criteria of efficiency, requirements to flexibility of management raise. Development of information technologies and computerization of production force the modern enterprises to turn into more and more difficult systems. New control methods are necessary for ensuring controllability of such systems. Still the most perspective direction in development of new approaches to business management connecting theories of decision-making, information support and organizational modeling there is a controlling. In work the methodical tools of expeditious controlling of production of civil appointment based on use of control cards and use of a method of delimitation of tolerances, supplementing existing a binding to the purposes of activity of the enterprises of defense industry complex and allowing to trace dynamics of changes of controlled indicators and to correct administrative decisions in a common information space are offered.
controlling, innovative civilian products, conceptual approach to controlling, model and technique of implementation of controlling
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Gilts Nadezhda Evgenyevna – Cand. Sc., Docent of Logistics department, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. Е-mail: negilts@mail.ru

Kuimov Vasily Vasilyevich – Dr. Sc., Professor, Trade business and marketing department, Institute of Economics and Commerce, Siberian Federal University. Е-mail: kmarketing05@mail.ru

Tayursky Anatoly Ivanovich – Dr. Sc., Professor, director of Institute of problems of continuous education of Russian Academy of Education. Е-mail: naukaobr@mail.ru