UDK 332.146
G. Y. Belyakova [1], A. N. Falaleev [2], N. A. Shishkina [1]
[1] Siberian Federal University 79, Svobodnyi Аv., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation Е-mail: belyakova.gya@mail.ru [2] Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astaf’ev 89, Ada Lebedeva str., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation
The Russian innovative economy formation happens in the conditions of instability, market institutes weakness, not innovative process participants motivation. Strategy formation problems of innovative development, first of all methodologically and conceptually aren't rather worked. The basis of formation is defined, but competitive model creation so far only in a stage of a strategic priority in this connection, a number of serious concrete actions in this direction is required. In the last decade the majority of the developed countries consider innovations not only as the most important factor of social and economic development, but also as the defining condition of the country competitive positioning. Economy innovative development assumes formation of the branches and enterprises development directions on the basis of the innovations providing sustained economic growth, productivity increase and a value added. In modern conditions of economic development by the Russian Federation Government for innovative economy creation the country industrialization task within which it is necessary to create and develop the hi-tech and knowledge-intensive enterprises answering or surpassing the modern international standards and requirements is set. In work the factors having impact on innovative and investment projects quality of hi-tech productions creation are considered. The presented factors are divided into three groups: technological, ecological and economic. The analysis of their influence is given. The reasons of a difficult situation emergence in hi-tech productions creation are designated.
hi-tech production, innovative economy, innovative and investment projects quality, ecological, technology, economic factors
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Belyakova Galina Yakovlevna – Dr. Sc., Professor of Economy and management of business processes department, Institute of Business Management and Economics, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: GBelyakova@sfu-kras.ru

Falaleev Al'bert Nikolaevich – Dr. Sc., Professor, head of Economy and management department, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astaf'ev

Shishkina Nataliya Alecseevna – postgraduate student, Siberian Federal University.

Е-mail: natasha_shao8@mail.com