UDK 330.34; 330.35
L. R. Batukova [1], T. V. Zelenskaya [2], A. V. Medvedev [2]
[1] Siberian Federal University, Institute of Business Processes and Economy 26а, Kirenskiy str., Krasnoyarsk, 660074, Russian Federation E-mail: cafedra-em@yandex.ru [2] Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russian Federation
In the last decades the increase of an economic role of innovations which defined structural shifts and high-quality changes of productive forces became a key factor of development of the world economy. Transition to innovative model is considered as the defining direction of development of national economy, its regions. It is very difficult to solve this problem in regions, considering their different resources and intellectual base. The problem interfering implementation of the planned projects and programs is lack of sufficient resources for simultaneous transfer to innovative development of all branches of economy. It sets a task of a choice of the priority directions of the development, allocation of the key branches having prospects of the achievement of the best world practices. In this regard the necessity of the development of theoretical and practical provisions of the translation of the economy of the region of a raw orientation on the innovative way of development locates in article. The research of theoretical provisions of modernization of economy allowed to define conditions of successful modernization reforms, to prove basic distinction in effect of the concepts “modernization” and “innovative development”. The analysis of theoretical provisions of modernization allowed to allocate its main types, to consider a place of the concept “modernization of economy” among other types of modernization. The research of two major types of modernization of the economy which is catching up and innovative, allowed to offer for improvement of management at the level of the region distribution of branches of production by types of modernization. It lays the foundation for definition and specification of priorities of innovative development of the enterprises them forming. The features of innovative modernization of economy of the regions of Siberia having a raw focus which consist in need are shown in article: combinations of innovative development of high-tech industries and industrial complexes, resource and innovative development of raw branches and complexes, and also branches of their service (mechanical engineering, power, etc.); value added share accretion in raw and processing industries due to transition to high technologies; increases in volumes of production and recoverability of resources; adjustments of interaction between raw and hi-tech productions of the region.
modernization, innovative development, modernization of economy, the catching-up modernization, innovative modernization
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Batukova Luiza Rihordovna – Cand. Sc., Docent, Economy and management of business processes department, Institute of Business Management and Economics, Siberian Federal University

Zelenskaya Tatyana Vasilyevna – Dr. Sc., Professor, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. Е-mail: tvzel@mail.ru

Medvedev Alexander Vasiljevich – Dr. Sc., Professor of Systems analysis and operations research department, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. Е-mail: stasy144@yandex.ru