UDK 658.5
U. S. Podverbnikh
Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russian Federation E-mail: verba07.90@mail.ru
The problem of workforce training is a particularly relevant in the aerospace industry, because the aerospace industry is an area where the unique technical systems are created, cutting-edge science is used, breakthrough technologies are implemented. At the same time, last priorities of quantitative growth of import substitution and domestic economy aerospace products are applied to a system of training skilled workers aerospace companies insurance that the competence of working conditions it is a key result of their training. The purpose of this study is to analyze and systematize the types of workforce competences in a single competence typology, taking into account the strategic priorities of the aerospace industry. The objectives of the study are the following: relevance justification of the competence approach to training workers in the aerospace industry; analysis of existing researches in the field of competences typologies; determination of clusters set and types of competences in working typology. The composition of factors which actualize the use of competency approach to workforce training is the following: the awareness need for workers with high “price decision” on a separate workplace; the need for properly evaluation of individual contribution of a specific worker in a unique manufacturing result. (this is connected to the specifics of individual and small-scale production at the aerospace company); inclusion in the evaluation of worker's labor his personal qualities, which provide motivation for productivity increase; high adaptability of competency model in the selection, motivation, evaluation and workforce development. Two approaches are provided to the understanding of competence essence: activity – motivational approach (competence as a willingness to act) and the descriptive approach (competence – a set of employees characteristics). Activity-motivational approach is the most relevant approach to the workforce competences. This approach underlines the willingness and ability to show professional activities as a result of learning knowledge skills. The author analyzed a number of competences typologies of domestic and foreign scholars. The author proposes to typify the working competences as a corporate, personal and professional. This method allows taking into account the most accurate industry-specific during the structuring and typing competences. Moreover, this method will allow us to focus on the certain staff categories including the category of workers.
competence, workforce, aerospace industry, typology, training system
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Podverbnikh Ulyana Sergeevna – postgraduate student of Department of international personnel and project management, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. E-mail: verba07.90@mail.ru