UDK 583.975 + 621.318.1
V. S. Zhigalov [1]*, V. G. Myagkov [1], A. N. Rybakova [2], I. A. Turpanov [1], G. N. Bondarenko [3]
[1] Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS 50, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation [2] Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russian Federation 3Institute of chemistry and chemical technology SB RAS 50, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation *E-mail: zhigalov@iph.krasn.ru
The original Co(001)/Pt(111) film structures are obtained by consequent thermal deposition layer with a cubic crystal lattice and Pt(111) from the target, sprayed using a magnetron sputtering technique on a single crystal substrate of MgO(001) in a vacuum of 10–6 Torr. In the experiments, samples 1Сo:3Pt and 1Сo:1Pt atomic ratio of the total thickness of about 300 nm are used. Initial samples were annealed in the temperature range from to 250 ºC to 850 ºC in increments of 50 for 40 minutes. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that in two-layer structures with the atomic ratio of reagents 1/3, at temperatures of annealing at T = 500 and 850 ºС in the interlayer chemical interaction to form phase epitaxial cubic compounds CoPt3 (L12) c FCC-lattice (a = 3.856 Å). Annealing of these same structures with 1/1 lead to the formation of the second phase CoPt (L10) with tetragonal distortion, which helps to ensure a high value of the uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K1 and determines easy magnetization direction (axis c). Synthesized sample consisting of two magnetic phases is the saturation magnetization, comparable with the value of MS for the film L12-CoPt3, planar anisotropy with K1 = 5.6 · 105 erg / sm3 and Hc ~ 103 E. Newly formed L10-CoPt phase grows epitaxially on the basis of pre-synthesized L12-CoPt3 phase with the same orientation relationship. The newly formed L10-CoPt phase grows epitaxially on the basis of pre-synthesized L12-CoPt3 phase with the same orientation relationship. Features films with atomic ratio of Co / Pt = 1/1 at T = 850 ºC is the presence of “rotational” anisotropy due to the exchange interaction of two ordered phases formed CoPt (111) and CoPt3 (111) with a ferromagnetic order and an easy axis, which can be applied a magnetic field to refocus. By changing the ratio of the reactants in the system, it is possible to change the sequence of phase formation.
solid-phase synthesis, film samples, solid solutions, magnetic properties, crystal structure
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Zhigalov Victor Stepanovich Dr. Sc., senior research fellow, professor, Department of Technical physics, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev; Kirensky Institute of Physics, SB RAS. E-mail: zhigalov@iph.krasn.ru

Myagkov Victor Grigorievich Dr. Sc., senior research fellow; Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch, SB RAS

Rybakova Alexandra Nikolaevna – postgraduate student, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. E-mail: sashely2008@rambler.ru

Turpanov Igor Alexandrovich – Cand. Sc., senior research fellow, Kirensky Institute of Physics, SB RAS

Bondarenko Galina Nikolaevna senior research fellow, Institute of chemistry and chemical technology, SB RAS