UDK 621.314.1:001.891.573
V. I. Apasov [1]*, S. G. Mikhalchenko [2]
[1] SC “Scientific&Industrial Centre “Polyus” 56v, Kirov Av., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation [2] Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics 74, Vershinina Str., Tomsk, 634045, Russian Federation *E-mail: vovaap@mail.ru
The important place in various areas of a technosphere is occupied with pulse converters which are basic of the majority of industrial, power and transport installations and devices. For this reason their efficiency functioning is connected with operational, power, reliability characteristics of converters, reserves for which increase of efficiency are put on a design stage. In this connection the increasing role is got by the concept of the nonlinear dynamics which application allows us to realise all constructive possibilities of converter. The object of the research is the combined converter with stabilisation of output voltage. The purpose of the given work is to define the minimum and maximum value of capacity of the output filter of the converter at which output voltage of the converter will be in an one-cyclic mode. The model of the combined converter on the basis of a numerically-analytical method of mathematical modeling of dynamics of the semi-conductor converters, capable to work as buck converter, as boost converter is offered. The given converter provides identical polarity of entrance and output voltage, with possibility of reception of output voltage both more entrance, and it is less, at smaller losses on elements and face values of currents through transistor and diodes, in comparison with pulse converters with the dividing condenser. The mathematical model gives the chance to conduct the research, to study its nonlinear dynamic properties, allows to spend bifurcation analysis, and also analytically to prospect duration of operating impulses of switching elements at which converter work will be in a steady mode. Bifurcation diagrammes of output voltage depending on change of capacity of the output filter are constructed, the range of work of the converter in an one-cyclic mode, and also the transition moments to multicyclic operating modes of the converter is defined. The range of change of capacity of the output filter providing steady work of the converter in various modes is defined. The obtained data can be used at designing of devices of power electronics on the basis of the converter of the given type, in particular at designing of modules of systems of power supplies of space vehicles, for maintenance of their steady work taking into account gradual degradation of components of the scheme.
the mathematical modeling, the combined converter, nonlinear dynamics, bifurcation analysis.
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Apasov Vladimir Ivanovich – postgraduate student of Industrial electronics department, engineer-designer of SC “Scientific&Industrial Centre “Polyus”. E-mail: vovaap@mail.ru

Mikhalchenko Sergey Gennadevich – Dr. Sc., senior lecturer of Industrial electronics department, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics. E-mail: msg@ie.tusur.ru