UDK 303.064
N. N. Koblov* [1], [2], V. D. Chervatyuk [1], [2]
[1] SC “Scientific&Industrial Centre “Polyus” 56v, Kirova Av., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation [2] National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute of Non-Destructive Testing,Department of precision instrument making 30, Lenin Av., Tomsk, 634034, Russian Federation E-mail: polus@online.tomsk.net
The importance of engineering data – intellectual property of the company, from management which determines the effective activity of all its services is emphasized. The principles underlying the creation and processing of paper documentation as a common form of presentation of the results of the design are considered. The attention was drawn to a significant inconvenience when working with paper original design documents and the need for specialists in online access to engineering data developed products. The method of transition to electronic originals is offered. In this case, the issuance, negotiation, store design documentation and amendments are made in electronic form. This technology is supported by the regulatory framework and the main provisions of the concept of Informatization of the Russian Federal space Agency, aimed at implementing large-scale projects to create high-tech products. Designed and implemented at SC “SIC “Polyus ” automated control system engineering data and production at all stages of the product life cycle are presented. The strategic principles of the unified information space for engineering data management, describes the mechanisms of effective interaction of several companies ‘Roscosmos’ when working with technical documentation in the framework of the joint development are set out. Interested companies are jointly proposed to continue SC “SIC “Polyus” project on the development and implementation of automated systems engineering data management and production. The basic decision of SC “SIC “Polyus” delivers open source and enterprise-participants on their own with the support coordination services extend the functionality of the system, thereby developing the project to the level of industry solutions.
the automated control system, electronic document circulation, 1С:Enterprise 8, information base, the universal mechanism of data exchange, electronic dispatch.
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Koblov Nikolay Nikolaevich – Cand. Sc., head of the laboratory, SC “Scientific&Industrial Centre “Polyus”; assistant of Precision instrument making department, Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National research Tomsk Polytechnic University. E-mail: polus@online.tomsk.net

Chervatyuk Vasiliy Demjanovich – engineer-programmer, SC “Scientific&Industrial Centre “Polyus”; postgraduate student of Precision instrument making department, Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, National research Tomsk Polytechnic University. E-mail: polus@online.tomsk.net