UDK 658.5:629.78
E. V. Neglyad, A. S. Kartamyshev
JSC "Information satellite systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev" 52, Lenin str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russian Federation E-mail: kartam@iss-reshetnev.ru
This article describes the main controlling approaches of different activity branches on industry factories. The authors develop problems of controlling system and analyse their reasons, pay attention on different approaches of industrial counting and budgeting planning. Moreover the authors point to disturbances of budgeting ways and make conclusion about budgeting system applicability as the depart process. The authors analyse actions of production plan executors and make conclusion about necessity of project control usage. The authors define the ability of information system production according to aerospace factories features and describe the ways of successful using of a developing system. The article describes the whole controlling system structure which consists of analytical, counting, organizing and technical parts. The article also proposes the process approach for the project controlling system creation with functions of resources distribution, which solves the main task of the factory management and gives the ability to define the process of control as the task chain, describing the factory aims as actions of one worker. Employment of a common information field at automation of control systems gives the chance of creation of the instrument of the planning and control of works promoting increase of efficiency and transparency in business management. Today, with other equal condition, more perfect organization of business focuses on use of process approach, reduction of costs of production and refusal of inefficient business processes wins. The correct automation of developed processes will give the ability to produce the tool for the right work planning and controlling, which is differs from analogues by deep detailing and ability to influence the final result at all levels of control with the help of executor involvement into the planning process. Modernized controlling systems using on factories will help to develop the branch, which has the strategy aim to lead Russian aerospace industry at the world-leader level and fix Russian leader’s role in the aerospace branch.
enterprise control systems, projects management, business processes, planning, budgeting, automation of control systems.
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Neglyad Efim Viktorovich – the third rank software engineer, JSC “Information satellite systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”

Kartamyshev Alexandr Sergeevich – chief of the control process automation group in the company, JSC “Information satellite systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”. E-mail: kartam@iss-reshetnev.ru