UDK 330.34+ 330.341:338.40
Yu. V. Erygin, E. V. Borisova
Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russian Federation E-mail: yuri_erygin@mail.ru, borisovaev2015@mail.ru
This article is devoted to the problem of the innovation infrastructure in the region. The aim of this paper is to de-fine the conceptual framework for building the innovation infrastructure. The purpose and problems of innovative infrastructure are presented in the article. The article tells about approaches to the definition of the term of "innovative infrastructure" as an economic category. In the article the concept of innovative infrastructure was formulated, its interrelation with such economic categories, as "the innovative environment", "the innovative potential", "national innovative system" is shown. The innovative infrastructure has to solve the following problems, they are: creating favorable conditions of innovative development, association in uniform system of all innovative processes, rendering financial support of development of the innovative enterprises, assistance to creation of the transparent mechanism of an investment in an innovation of the state resources, providing and growth of the competition, decrease in risks of innovative activity and others. In the article the classification of elements of innovative infrastructure is offered. In the article the functions of innovative infrastructure of the region are considered, they are: providing with resources and their effective use, organizational and administrative function, function of stimulation of innovative activity. In the article the principles of creation of innovative infrastructure are formulated: systemacities, multilevelness of creation of its elements, interconditionality, interdependence and unity of elements, flexibility, associativity to stages of innovative process of the military-industrial complex, functionality, efficiency. The creation of the model of innovative infrastructure is based on the principles which are the instrument of realization of functions of innovative infrastructure.
innovative development, innovation system, innovation infrastructure, principles of construction of innovation infrastructure, innovation and process.
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Erygin Yuri Vladimirovich – Dr. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. E-mail: yuri_erygin@mail.ru

Borisova Elena Vladimirovna – postgraduate student of Finance and credit department, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. E-mail: borisovaev2015@mail.ru