UDK 658.5.012.7 Vestnik SibGAU 2014, No. 4(56), P. 62–73
I. V. Kovalev
Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russian Federation E-mail: kovalev.fsu@mail.ru
The problem of software implementation multiversioned views runtime data processing algorithms in information and control systems is discussed. The possibility of using existing multiversioned views models to improve the reliability of the software (SOFTWARE) for implementing the runtime of algorithms for data processing in control systems is shown. The determining element of multiversioned views of the system unit is a decision about the correctness or incorrectness of States multiverse. This unit shares the results (outputs) of multiple software versions on the “correct” and “incorrect”. There are several methods of such separation. The most common of them are based on the classification outputs. The most promising of these techniques are voted by an absolute majority vote agreed upon by the majority, and fuzzy voting agreed upon by the majority. In the framework of suggested improvements to these techniques, namely, weighted voting agreed upon by the majority and fuzzy weighted voting agreed upon by the majority. Methods of this group are based on the comparison of the outputs of multiverse and placing identical of them in the same classes (subsets). However, in cases where calculations are not performed with integers, the determination of the identity of outputs is difficult. To resolve this problem, the notion of value equality: we will say that two numbers are equal if they differ by less than some acceptable deviation. These ratios do not require the properties of transitivity. In other words, if it is known that |a b| < ε and |b-c| < ε, then it does not follow that |a-c| < ε, where a, b and c is some number. A potential problem of the methods of this group is possible misclassification of outputs and, as a consequence of a wrong decision that, ultimately, can lead to failure of the control system. Thus, the problem of the software implementation of SMVI algorithms of information processing in control systems is the development of software tools to unify the application of multiversioned views of the approach to different soft-ware systems. This approach, unlike the present, allows you to execute the modules are not only using the methodology multiversioned views programming, but also using other common multiversioned views models: recovering blocks, agreed recovering blocks, t/(n-1)-version programmin multiversioned views and programming self-test.
information processing, multiversioned views software, system management, fault tolerance.

1.  Avizienis A. [Fault tolerance and fault intolerance: complementary approaches to reliable computing]. In Proc. 1975 International Conference on Reliable Software.1975, p. 458–464.

2.  Avizienis A. The methodology of N-version programming. In Software fault-tolerance. Wiley, 1995,
p. 23–47.

3.  Avizienis A. DEDIX 87 – A supervisory system for design diversity experiments at UCLA. In Digest of 18th FTCS, Tokyo, Japan, June 1988, p. 129–168.

4.  Lyu M. R. Improving the N-Version Programming Process Through the Evolution of a Design Paradigm. In Proc. IEEE COMSPAC, 1993.

5.  Lyu M. Software diversity metrics and measurements. In Proc. IEEE COMPSAC. Chicago, Illinois, 1992, p. 69–78.

6.  Fetzer C. Automatic Detection and Masking of Non-Atomic Exception Handling. 2003.

7.  Mitchell G. An approach for network communications systems Recovery. Department of Computer Science, National University of Ireland, 2000.

8.  Romanovsky A. Diversely Designed Classes for Use by Multiple Tasks. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2000.

9.  Kovalev I. V., Junusov R. V. [Multiversioned views method for increasing software reliability information and telecommunication technologies in corporate structures]. Distantsionnoe i virtual'noe obuchenie. 2003, no. 2, p. 50–55 (In Russ.).

10.    Kovalev I., Popov A., Shipovalov Ju. Optimization models for reliability of telecommunication software systems. Advances in Modeling and Analysis B: Signals, Information, Data, Patterns. 2000. vol. 43. no. 3–4, p. 41–46.

11.    Kovalev I. V., Zav'jalova O. I., Sis'ko V. E., Carev M. Ju. Mnogoatributivnoe formirovanie optimal'nykh po sostavu vysokonadezhnykh slozhnykh system [Diversified formation of the optimal structure of highly reliable complex systems]. Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, 2011.

12.    Avizienis A. On the implementation of N-version programming for software fault-tolerance during execution. In Proc. IEEE COMPSAC 77, 1977, p. 149–155.

13.    Kovalev I. V., Zav'jalova O. I., Lajkov A. N. [The formation of excessive software fault-tolerant control systems]. Priborostroenie. 2008, vol. 51, no. 10,
p. 30–34 (In Russ.).

14.    Kovalev I. V. Metodologija otsenki i povyshenija nadezhnosti programmno-informatsionnykh tekhnologij i struktur [The methodology for assessing and improving the reliability of software and information technologies and structures]. Krasnoyarsk, 2005.

15.    Laprie J. C. Architectural Issues in Software Fault Tolerance, in Software Fault Tolerance. Wiley, 1995, p. 47–80.

16.    Kovalev I. V. Fault-tolerant software architecture creation model based on reliability evaluation. Journal of AMSE Periodicals, 2002, vol. 48, no. 3–4, p. 31–43.

17.    Kovalev I. V., Novoj A. V. [Reliability analysis of software architecture given the simultaneous failure
of the components]. Pribory. 2009, no. 7, p. 26–30
(In Russ.).

18.    Elmendorf W. Fault-tolerant programming. In Digest of 2-nd FTCS, Newton, June 1972, p. 79–83.

19.    Peter J. Denning, Fault Tolerant Operating Systems. ACM Computing Surveys, December 1976, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 359–389.

20.    Steen M. Scalable Location Service for Distributed Objects .Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1996.

21.    Daniels F. The Reliable Hybrid Pattern: A Generalized Software Fault Tolerant Design Pattern. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, 1999.

22.    Kovalev I. V., Engel E. A., Tsarev R. Ju. Programmatic support of the analysis of cluster structures of failure-resistant information systems. Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics. 2007, vol. 41,
no. 3, p. 89.

23.    Zelenkov P. V., Kovalev I. V., Brezickaja V. V. Instrumental'nye sredstva formirovanija mul'tiversionnoj arkhitektury otkazoustojchivyh programmnykh sistem [Tools of the formation multiversioned views of the architecture of fault-tolerant software systems]. Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, 2011.

24.    Kovalev I. V. [Simulation system for environment multiversioned views the execution of software modules (software system “IP-SMVI v1.0”)]. Komp'juternye uchebnye programmy i innovatsii. 2007, no. 2 (In Russ.).

25.    Kotenok A. V. [Software system “SMVI v1.0” (Wednesday multiversioned views the execution of software modules)]. VNTIC, Moscow, 2004 (In Russ.).

26.    Kovalev I. V., Kotenok A. V. Imitatsionnaya sistema dlya sredy mul'tiversionnogo ispolneniya programmnykh modulei (programmnaya sistema“IS-SMVI v1.0”). [Simulation system for environment multiversioned views the execution of software modules (software system “IP-SMVI v1.0”)]. No. 50200501597, VNTIC, Moscow, 2005 (In Russ.).

27.    Kovalev I. V. [To the problem of algorithm selection decision-making systems multiversioned views]. Informacionnye tehnologii. 2006, no. 9, p. 39–44 (In Russ.).

28.    Randell B. The Evolution of the Recovery Block Concept. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, 1995.

29.    Anderson T. Fault Tolerance: Principles and Practice. Practice Hall, 1981.

30.    Randell B. System structure for software fault tolerance. IEEE Trans Software Engineering, 1975, vol. 1, p. 220–231.

31.    Xu J. The t/(n–1)-VP Approach to Fault-Tolerant Software. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1998.

32.    Xu J. Implementing Software-Fault Tolerance in C++ and Open C++: An Object-Oriented and Reflective Approach. Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2000.

33.    Bondavalli A. Adaptable Fault Tolerance For Real-Time Systems. CNUCE-CNR, Pisa, Italy, 1995.

34.    Antamoshkin A. N., Kovalev I. V., Carev R. Ju. Matematicheskoe i programmnoe obespechenie otkazoustojchivyh sistem upravlenija i obrabotki informatsii [Mathematical and software fault-tolerant control systems and information processing]. Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, 2011.

35.    Kovalev I. V., Kovalev P. V., Skorikov V. S., Gricenko S. N. [The estimation of the execution time multiversioned views programs on a cluster with serial and parallel architecture for data exchange]. Vestnik SibGAU. 2009, no. 2 (23), p. 79–83 (In Russ.).

36.    Kovalev I. V., Stupina A. A., Carev R. Ju., Volkov V. A. [The use of COM technology for the implementation of multi-version software of control systems and information processing]. Upravlenie, kontrol', diagnostika. 2007, no. 3, p. 18–22 (In Russ.).

37.    Kovalev I. V., Slobodin M. Ju., Tsarev R. Ju. Multi-version design of fault-tolerant software in control systems. Problems of mechanical engineering and automation. 2006, no. 6, p. 61–69.

38.    Kovalev I. V., Nurgaleeva Ju. A., Shahmatov A. V., Chekmarev S. A., Lukin F. A. [To minimize inter-module interface to ensure the reliability multiversioned views software]. Vestnik SibGAU. 2013, no. 2 (48), p. 35–37
(In Russ.).

39.    Kovalev I. V., Antamoshkin A. N., Erygin V. Ju. [The choice of patterns multiversioned views of the software during the fuzzy budget and limitations
for version compatibility]. Perspektivy razvitija informacionnyh tehnologij. 2012, no. 7, p. 61–67 (In Russ.).

40.    Kovalev I. V., Carev R. Ju., Kapulin D. V. Arhitekturnaja nadezhnost' programmnogo obespechenija informacionno-upravljajushhikh system [Architectural software reliability information management systems]. Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, 2011.

41.    Kovalev I. V., Novoj A. V., Shtencel' A. V. [To assess the reliability multiversioned views of software architecture, control systems and information processing]. Vestnik SibGAU. 2008, no. 3 (20), p. 50–52 (In Russ.).

42.    Kovalev I. V., Novoj A. V. [Calculation of reliability of fault-tolerant software architectures]. Vestnik SibGAU. 2007, no. 4 (17), p. 14–17 (In Russ.).

43.    Kovalev I. V., Carev R. Ju., Zav'jalova O. I. [Analysis of architectural software reliability information management systems]. Pribory. 2010, no. 11, p. 24–26 (In Russ.).

44.    Kovalev I. V., Nurgaleeva Ju. A., Ezheman-
skaja S. N. [Diversified management work on the development of n-variant software systems]. Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2011, no. 8, p. 124–127 (In Russ.).

45.    Kovalev I. V., Slobodin M. Ju., Stupina A. A. [Mathematical formulation of the problem of designing n-version software systems]. Problemy mashinostroenija i avtomatizatsii. 2005, no. 3. p. 16–23 (In Russ.).

46.    Kovalev I. V., Dgioeva N. N., Slobodin M. Ju. The mathematical system model for the problem of multi-version software design. Proceedings of Modelling and Simulation, MS'2004 AMSE International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, MS'2004. AMSE, French Research Council, CNRS, Rhone-Alpes Region, Hospitals of Lyon. Lyon-Villeurbanne, 2004.

47.    Wattanapongsakorn N. Reliability Optimization for Software Systems with Multiple Applications. FastAbstract ISSRE and Chillarege Corp. Copyright 2001.


1.  Avizienis A. [Fault tolerance and fault intolerance: complementary approaches to reliable computing]. In Proc. 1975 International Conference on Reliable Software.1975, p. 458–464.

2.  Avizienis A. The methodology of N-version programming. In Software fault-tolerance. Wiley, 1995,
p. 23–47.

3.  Avizienis A. DEDIX 87 – A supervisory system for design diversity experiments at UCLA. In Digest of 18th FTCS, Tokyo, Japan, June 1988, p. 129–168.

4.  Lyu M. R. Improving the N-Version Programming Process Through the Evolution of a Design Paradigm. In Proc. IEEE COMSPAC, 1993.

5.  Lyu M. Software diversity metrics and measurements. In Proc. IEEE COMPSAC. Chicago, Illinois, 1992, p. 69–78.

6.  Fetzer C. Automatic Detection and Masking of Non-Atomic Exception Handling. 2003.

7.  Mitchell G. An approach for network communications systems Recovery. Department of Computer Science, National University of Ireland, 2000.

8.  Romanovsky A. Diversely Designed Classes for Use by Multiple Tasks. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2000.

9.  Kovalev I. V., Junusov R. V. [Multiversioned views method for increasing software reliability information and telecommunication technologies in corporate structures]. Distantsionnoe i virtual'noe obuchenie. 2003, no. 2, p. 50–55 (In Russ.).

10.    Kovalev I., Popov A., Shipovalov Ju. Optimization models for reliability of telecommunication software systems. Advances in Modeling and Analysis B: Signals, Information, Data, Patterns. 2000. vol. 43. no. 3–4, p. 41–46.

11.    Kovalev I. V., Zav'jalova O. I., Sis'ko V. E., Carev M. Ju. Mnogoatributivnoe formirovanie optimal'nykh po sostavu vysokonadezhnykh slozhnykh system [Diversified formation of the optimal structure of highly reliable complex systems]. Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, 2011.

12.    Avizienis A. On the implementation of N-version programming for software fault-tolerance during execution. In Proc. IEEE COMPSAC 77, 1977, p. 149–155.

13.    Kovalev I. V., Zav'jalova O. I., Lajkov A. N. [The formation of excessive software fault-tolerant control systems]. Priborostroenie. 2008, vol. 51, no. 10,
p. 30–34 (In Russ.).

14.    Kovalev I. V. Metodologija otsenki i povyshenija nadezhnosti programmno-informatsionnykh tekhnologij i struktur [The methodology for assessing and improving the reliability of software and information technologies and structures]. Krasnoyarsk, 2005.

15.    Laprie J. C. Architectural Issues in Software Fault Tolerance, in Software Fault Tolerance. Wiley, 1995, p. 47–80.

16.    Kovalev I. V. Fault-tolerant software architecture creation model based on reliability evaluation. Journal of AMSE Periodicals, 2002, vol. 48, no. 3–4, p. 31–43.

17.    Kovalev I. V., Novoj A. V. [Reliability analysis of software architecture given the simultaneous failure
of the components]. Pribory. 2009, no. 7, p. 26–30
(In Russ.).

18.    Elmendorf W. Fault-tolerant programming. In Digest of 2-nd FTCS, Newton, June 1972, p. 79–83.

19.    Peter J. Denning, Fault Tolerant Operating Systems. ACM Computing Surveys, December 1976, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 359–389.

20.    Steen M. Scalable Location Service for Distributed Objects .Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1996.

21.    Daniels F. The Reliable Hybrid Pattern: A Generalized Software Fault Tolerant Design Pattern. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, 1999.

22.    Kovalev I. V., Engel E. A., Tsarev R. Ju. Programmatic support of the analysis of cluster structures of failure-resistant information systems. Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics. 2007, vol. 41,
no. 3, p. 89.

23.    Zelenkov P. V., Kovalev I. V., Brezickaja V. V. Instrumental'nye sredstva formirovanija mul'tiversionnoj arkhitektury otkazoustojchivyh programmnykh sistem [Tools of the formation multiversioned views of the architecture of fault-tolerant software systems]. Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, 2011.

24.    Kovalev I. V. [Simulation system for environment multiversioned views the execution of software modules (software system “IP-SMVI v1.0”)]. Komp'juternye uchebnye programmy i innovatsii. 2007, no. 2 (In Russ.).

25.    Kotenok A. V. [Software system “SMVI v1.0” (Wednesday multiversioned views the execution of software modules)]. VNTIC, Moscow, 2004 (In Russ.).

26.    Kovalev I. V., Kotenok A. V. Imitatsionnaya sistema dlya sredy mul'tiversionnogo ispolneniya programmnykh modulei (programmnaya sistema“IS-SMVI v1.0”). [Simulation system for environment multiversioned views the execution of software modules (software system “IP-SMVI v1.0”)]. No. 50200501597, VNTIC, Moscow, 2005 (In Russ.).

27.    Kovalev I. V. [To the problem of algorithm selection decision-making systems multiversioned views]. Informacionnye tehnologii. 2006, no. 9, p. 39–44 (In Russ.).

28.    Randell B. The Evolution of the Recovery Block Concept. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, 1995.

29.    Anderson T. Fault Tolerance: Principles and Practice. Practice Hall, 1981.

30.    Randell B. System structure for software fault tolerance. IEEE Trans Software Engineering, 1975, vol. 1, p. 220–231.

31.    Xu J. The t/(n–1)-VP Approach to Fault-Tolerant Software. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1998.

32.    Xu J. Implementing Software-Fault Tolerance in C++ and Open C++: An Object-Oriented and Reflective Approach. Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2000.

33.    Bondavalli A. Adaptable Fault Tolerance For Real-Time Systems. CNUCE-CNR, Pisa, Italy, 1995.

34.    Antamoshkin A. N., Kovalev I. V., Carev R. Ju. Matematicheskoe i programmnoe obespechenie otkazoustojchivyh sistem upravlenija i obrabotki informatsii [Mathematical and software fault-tolerant control systems and information processing]. Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, 2011.

35.    Kovalev I. V., Kovalev P. V., Skorikov V. S., Gricenko S. N. [The estimation of the execution time multiversioned views programs on a cluster with serial and parallel architecture for data exchange]. Vestnik SibGAU. 2009, no. 2 (23), p. 79–83 (In Russ.).

36.    Kovalev I. V., Stupina A. A., Carev R. Ju., Volkov V. A. [The use of COM technology for the implementation of multi-version software of control systems and information processing]. Upravlenie, kontrol', diagnostika. 2007, no. 3, p. 18–22 (In Russ.).

37.    Kovalev I. V., Slobodin M. Ju., Tsarev R. Ju. Multi-version design of fault-tolerant software in control systems. Problems of mechanical engineering and automation. 2006, no. 6, p. 61–69.

38.    Kovalev I. V., Nurgaleeva Ju. A., Shahmatov A. V., Chekmarev S. A., Lukin F. A. [To minimize inter-module interface to ensure the reliability multiversioned views software]. Vestnik SibGAU. 2013, no. 2 (48), p. 35–37
(In Russ.).

39.    Kovalev I. V., Antamoshkin A. N., Erygin V. Ju. [The choice of patterns multiversioned views of the software during the fuzzy budget and limitations
for version compatibility]. Perspektivy razvitija informacionnyh tehnologij. 2012, no. 7, p. 61–67 (In Russ.).

40.    Kovalev I. V., Carev R. Ju., Kapulin D. V. Arhitekturnaja nadezhnost' programmnogo obespechenija informacionno-upravljajushhikh system [Architectural software reliability information management systems]. Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, 2011.

41.    Kovalev I. V., Novoj A. V., Shtencel' A. V. [To assess the reliability multiversioned views of software architecture, control systems and information processing]. Vestnik SibGAU. 2008, no. 3 (20), p. 50–52 (In Russ.).

42.    Kovalev I. V., Novoj A. V. [Calculation of reliability of fault-tolerant software architectures]. Vestnik SibGAU. 2007, no. 4 (17), p. 14–17 (In Russ.).

43.    Kovalev I. V., Carev R. Ju., Zav'jalova O. I. [Analysis of architectural software reliability information management systems]. Pribory. 2010, no. 11, p. 24–26 (In Russ.).

44.    Kovalev I. V., Nurgaleeva Ju. A., Ezheman-
skaja S. N. [Diversified management work on the development of n-variant software systems]. Fundamental'nye issledovanija. 2011, no. 8, p. 124–127 (In Russ.).

45.    Kovalev I. V., Slobodin M. Ju., Stupina A. A. [Mathematical formulation of the problem of designing n-version software systems]. Problemy mashinostroenija i avtomatizatsii. 2005, no. 3. p. 16–23 (In Russ.).

46.    Kovalev I. V., Dgioeva N. N., Slobodin M. Ju. The mathematical system model for the problem of multi-version software design. Proceedings of Modelling and Simulation, MS'2004 AMSE International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, MS'2004. AMSE, French Research Council, CNRS, Rhone-Alpes Region, Hospitals of Lyon. Lyon-Villeurbanne, 2004.

47.    Wattanapongsakorn N. Reliability Optimization for Software Systems with Multiple Applications. FastAbstract ISSRE and Chillarege Corp. Copyright 2001.

Kovalev Igor Vladimirovich – Dr. Sc., Professor of System analysis department, Rector, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. E-mail kovalev.fsu@mail.ru