UDK 681.3.069 Vestnik SibGAU 2014, No. 4(56), P. 74–80
A. A. Kozlov [1], N. N. Koblov [1], [2]
[1]JSC "Scientific & Industrial Centre "Polyus" 56v, Kirova Av., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation E-mail: polus@online.tomsk.net [2] Tomsk Polytechnic University 30, Lenin Av., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation E-mail: polus@online.tomsk.net
The main issues of development of program-algorithmic design complex electrical drawings in the instrument are reviewed. The urgency of its application for reducing the complexity of the development, quality improvement of the design documentation, prevention discrepancies between the connection table, a table of contacts and pictures, layout wiring harness are shown. The key principles of the software structure are mentioned. The software main modules are shown, which can solve the following problems: electrical schema CAD file data import; export design data in text or binary CAD file format; input data checking and verification; design data storing; data state information reports forming; design and electrical schema data synchronization in order to form change notice reports; design data visualization; wire trace routing, wire thread cross section and diameter calculations. An algorithm for determining states of circuits circuitry based on the Boost Graph Library is proposed, which is formed of the breadth-first search on a graph algorithm. The generalized scheme of software and algorithmic complex, the main characteristics needed for solving the problem of designing wiring harness are given. The possibility of using a component library for Qt GUI interface development software package is shown. The software for the automatic modeling of assembly and switching space is developed. Software features: CAD-independent input, storage, graphical display of circuitry data; input data control; automated receiving of connections tables and electrical circuit contacts; interactive and automatic wiring harness; mapping of the diameter, length and number of wires at any point of the routed harness segment; reporting on data structures current state; wiring drawings export.
CAD system, P-CAD, Qt, BGL, Boost Graph Library, SQLite, database, application interface, graph, breadth first search.
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Kozlov Alexander Alexandrovich – programmer, JSC “Scientific & Industrial Centre “Polyus”. E-mail: polus@online.tomsk.net

Koblov Nikolay Nikolaevich – head of CAD system laboratory, JSC “Scientific & Industrial Centre “Polyus”.
E-mail: polus@online.tomsk.net