UDK 544.623.032.52
Ye. A. Morozov [1, 2], S. V. Trifonov [1, 2], Yu. A. Kudenko [2], A. A. Tikhomirov [1, 2]
[1] Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russian Federation E-mail: transserfer89@gmail.com [2]Institute of Biophysics SB RAS 50/50, Akademgorodok,Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation E-mail: trifonov_sergei@inbox.ru
Today the most difficult issue in developing closed ecosystems is to find ways of wastes utilization that gains no deadlock products. In Institute of Biophysics, SB RAS, this problem was solved by oxidation of organic wastes in aqueous Н2О2 medium. Optimal parameters of current, activating Н2О2 disassimilation, were unknown. This work is aimed to define these parameters. Frequency of current between carbon electrodes located in glass with solutions was set by operator. Intensity of Н2О2 disassimilation was determined indirectly by speed of gas delivery. Graphs of depen-dence of Н2О2 disassimilation on frequency and form of activating current in super-low frequency range were obtained. Maximum intensity of Н2О2 disassimilation was determined under 35 Hz. The results are applicable both for developing space LSS and solving ecological problems on Earths.
life support systems, mineralization, closed cycle, frequency.

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Morozov Yegor Andreevich – laboratory technician, Institute of Biophysics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Master’s Degree student, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. E-mail: transserfer89@gmail.com

 Trifonov Sergei Viktorovich – Candidate of Sciences (Biology), junior researcher, Institute of Biophysics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Master’s Degree student, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. E-mail: trifonov_sergei@inbox.ru

Kudenko Yuri Abramovich – Candidate of Phisical and Mathematical Sciences, scientific researcher, Institute of Biophysics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science. E-mail: ykudenko@yandex.ru

Tikhomirov Alexander Apollinarievich – Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor, Head of laboratory of Phototrophic Biosynthesis Control, Institute of Biophysics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Head of chair of Closed EcoSystems, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev. E-mail: alex-tikhomirov@yandex.ru