UDK 621.3.019.3
I. S. Vasilyev [1], S. B. Suntsov [1], S. V. Efremov [1], V. S. Kim [2]
[1]JSC "Information satellite system” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev" 52, Lenin str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662971, Russian Federation E-mail: vasilyev_is@sibmail.com [2] Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University 30, Lenin Av., Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation E-mail: kim_vs@rambler.ru
Some performances have been obtained as the result of testing of crimped electrical connections. On the basis of test results performance calculate transient electrical resistance of the new type of electric connection items imple-mented in on-board DC harness of modern spacecrafts. The causes of appearance of transient resistance in actual designs of crimped connection items were taken into account. The calculation results are compared to the transient resistance measurements. It is proposed to use the obtained data when building a model of crimped electrical connec-tions ageing, applicable to new design solutions.
tests, crimped electrical connections, on-board DC harness, reliability, semiempirical model.


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Vasilyev Ilya Sergeevich – postgraduate of National research “Tomsk Polytechnic University”, Department of on-board equipment construction design, designer-engineer, JSC “Information Satellite System” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”. E-mail: vasilyev_is@sibmail.com

Suntsov Sergey Borisovich – Candidate of Engineering Science, head of the Department of On-board equipment construction design, JSC “Information Satellite System” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”

Efremov Sergey Valeryevich – Deputy Head of the Department of On-board equipment construction design, JSC “Information Satellite System” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”. E-mail: yefremov@iss-reshetnev.ru

Kim Vladimir Sergeevich – Candidate of Phisical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor of Electromechanical Systems and Materials Department, National Research “Tomsk Polytechnic University”. E-mail: kim_vs@rambler.ru