UDK 338.2
N. A. Testoedov1, G. G. Krushenko2, 3*, E. A. Morozov1, V. V. Dvirniy1, K. V. Katyk4
1JSС “Information Satellite System” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev” 52, Lenin St., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russian Federation 2Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS 50/44, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation 3Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation 4PA “Polet” branch of FSUE “SRPSC named after M. V. Khrunichev” 226, B. Khmelnytsky St., Omsk, 644021, Russian Federation *E-mail: genry@icm.krasn.ru
In the world literature there are hundreds of definitions of the term “innovation”, but their essence comes down to the fact that innovation is the transformation of scientific achievements, new real physical and intellectual products and services possessing new qualities, resulting from the process of translating a new idea or method in practice that can improve the quality of life is an investment in the economy, provides a change of equipment and technologies; new techniques, technology, which is the result of scientific and technological progress. Determinant of innovation is the development of inventions, rationalization, and the emergence of major discoveries. Thus, the main condition of demand of economy on an innovation is competition, which makes us look for the best technological decisions, to update production. The basis of economic growth is a successful entrepreneur, and entrepreneurs are contributing a creative element in their work, provide breakthroughs in the economy. A high level of education of the Russian population, a huge legacy of fundamental science, the presence of engineering schools, preserved in many industries base pilot production – can successfully learn new innovative directions. However, innovation can only occur under certain prevailing financial conditions and the availability of qualified personnel. With regard to innovation in the aerospace industry that can be expressed in the form of patenting of development, in 2014 Russia is among the five world leaders in the field of scientific and technological developments for space exploration, and in the number of patent included the leaders of the JSC “Information satellite systems” named after M. F. Reshetnev” and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Omsk branch of which is PA “Polyot”, where great importance is attached to the inventive activity of employees, preparation of engineering and innovative personnel.
Keywords: innovation, aerospace industry, patenting of inventions.



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Testoedov Nikolay Alekseevich – Dr. Sc., associate member of RAS, professor, General director, JSC “Information satellite systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”. E-mail: office@iss-reshetnev.ru.

Krushenko Genry Gavrilovich – Dr. Sc., professor, Chief research officer, Institute of Computational Modeling, SB RAS. E-mail: genry@icm.krasn.ru.

Morozov Egor Alexandrovich – head of Information technology department, JSC “Information Satellite Systems” named after academician M. F. Reshetnev”. E-mail: morozov@iss-reshetnev.ru.

Dvirniy Guriy Valeryevich – Cand. Sc., JSC “Information satellite systems” named after academician
M. F. Reshetnev”. E-mail: dg1802@mail.ru.

Katyk Kirill Vladimirovich – first category engineer of automated systems of production management, PA “Polet” branch of FSUE. E-mail: katyk_kv@mail.ru.