UDK 330.111.4 Vestnik SibGAU 2014, No. 3(55), P. 245–249
E. A. Nosachevckaya [1]0, V. V. Klimuk [2]
[1] Moscow State Humanitarian University M. A. Sholokhov 16–18,Verhnyaya Radishchevskaya St., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation [2] Baltic Federal University Kant 14а, Nevskogo St., Kaliningrad, Russian Federation E-mail: klim-w11@rambler.ru; 08082007@mail.ru
The authors provide an analysis of existing methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of resources of the subject of the Russian Federation - Kaliningrad region. On the basis of the diverse opinions of scientists the characterization of regional resources with the release of the corresponding groups in graphical form (material, labor, financial, environmental, intellectual resources) was carried out. Each group consists of 4–5 main categories, characterizing them and used as indicators of effective use. The authors proposed a method of estimating the integral efficiency of the region with the release of material, labor, financial, environmental, intellectual components. Calculation of individual (private) efficiency allows to identify the most and least vulnerable aspects of the functioning of the region, to determine the main directions of influence to improve the efficiency of the whole region (country). Complex (integrated) is used to determine the effectiveness of management (economical) use of resources of all kinds in the whole investigated region (country). A mathematical apparatus for calculating each of the private and integral levels of efficiency. Tools for assessing the effectiveness of private levels are based on the use of relative performance (index change). To calculate the integral level of resource efficiency in the region used the geometric mean value that most accurately reflects the total (complex) change of regional resources for the study period. The approbation of the proposed methodology on the example of Russian exclave region – Kaliningrad region. Based on the statistical data of 2009–2013, the calculation was made on private and integral performance levels with a graphic reflection of the results. As a result, in terms of material, labor, environmental efficiency region recorded performance level close to unity. Intellectual efficiency observed the highest level of differentiation of the calculated values. In general, the integral level of resource efficiency of Kaliningrad region ranged from 0.5 in the 2009–2010 crisis and to 1.2 in 2012.
efficiency, regional resources, methodology, development.
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Nosachеvskaya Ekaterina Alexandrovna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences, Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M. A. Sholokhov. E-mail: 08082007@mail.ru

Klimuk Vladimir Vladimirovich – postgraduate student of the Department of Economics and Finance, Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant. E-mail: klim-w11@rambler.ru