UDK 330.101.52
V. А. Shabashev [1], V. В. Batievskaya [2]
[1] Kemerovo State University 6, Krasnaya st., Kemerovo, 650043, Russian Federation E-mail: bash_kemsu@mail.ru [2] Kemerovo State Medical Academy 22а, Voroshilova st., Kemerovo, 650029, Russian Federation E-mail: batvb@kemsma.ru
The article analyzes the emergence and development of the concept of ”economic efficiency”. The analysis has been conducted in a historical retrospective and a logical sequence. The authors have investigated what it means: the effect, the result, efficiency, effectiveness. The contribution to the economic science of different scientists has been investigated. The authors propose to use comprehensive evaluation, which is understood as the comparison of the effectiveness of different systems with each other, as well as the comparison of the dynamics of a system, taking into account all of the elements of productivity.
economic system, efficiency, performance indicators, effectiveness, effects, dynamics of development.

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Shabashev Vladimir Alekseevich – Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of International Higher Educatin Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of economics, Kemerovo State University. E-mail: bash_kemsu@mail.ru

Batievskaya Veronika Bogdanovna – Candidate of Economic sciences, Head of the Department of economics and management in Healthcare Service, Kemerovo State Medical Academy. E-mail: batvb@kemsma.ru.