UDK 338.2
R. S. Serdyuk*, L. V. Erygina
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation *E-mail: advent89@mail.ru
Reorganization of the rocker and space industry management, the penetration of the Russian enterprises in the commercial market and increase of federal funding were the key factors in the development of Russian rocket and space industry enterprises in the last decade. With the development of space technologies and the desire of mankind to commercialize space, Russia needs to develop global commercial market of space products and services to hold the lead in space industry. Obstacles for efficient capture of commercial markets is the lack of investment resources for the implementation of advanced and revolutionary projects, the lack of balance in the innovation and investment and the subsequent failure to complete product development in time. This sets the problem of a proper choice of innovative projects, search for sources of investment and effective coordination of investment flows and stages of innovation. The study of theoretical positions in determining the nature of innovation and the innovation process, investments and the investment process has allowed to formulate the concept of innovation and investment in the rocket and space industry. Investigation of the features of Russian rocket and space industry enterprises helped to identify the key characteristics of their investment and innovation activities, so the balance was determined by the nature of the investment and innovation with regard to their specificity. This allowed to most accurately define the goal of balanced development of innovation and investment in the RCP, which is to increase the effectiveness of the company and capture of commercial markets through the introduction of a competitive innovative products and increasing the profitability of investments, as well as in the preservation of skills and effective and timely updating of production assets. It is concluded that the creation of a planning innovation and investment activity balance involves the development of approach, which will allow companies to harmonize the goals of the RCP and to provide structured performance.
Keywords: innovative activity, investment activity, balance, rocket and space industry.



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Serduk Roman Sergeevich – postgraduate student, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: dodgesrs@mail.ru.

Erygina Lilia Viktorovna – Dr. Sc., professor, Dean of Engineering-economics department, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: erigina@mail.sibsau.ru.