UDK 338.242.2
V. V. Kuimov1*, A. O. Kuimov1 , D. A. Tolstoy2
1Siberian Federal University 79, Svobodny Аv., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation 2Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev 89, Ada Lebedevs St., Krasnoyarsk, 6600049, Russian Federation *E-mail:kuimov1945@mail.ru
The modern period, defined as the transition to a post-industrial type of development, enhanced rapid globalization of the economy and its crisis manifestations encourages as Russia as a whole and its regions seek new opportunities to strengthen the innovative products of its economy and its competitiveness in domestic and global markets and increase living standards. One of these possibilities is networking business enterprises, government, science and education in the framework of production and regional clusters or regional technological platforms, enabling better to concentrate resources on promising directions to obtain economic results and its synergistic effect. The paper analyzes the factors of innovative development in the Krasnoyarsk region, features and individual advantages. The necessity and the possibility of activity regional technology platforms as a connection format business resources, territory, public bodies and authorities are considered. The general direction of development of European, Russian and regional platforms is shown. It expands the practice of interaction of subjects of innovative development of the technology platforms, including the role and place of social and professional structures on the example of the Association “Siberian Research and Education Consortium”. RTP forms of association and real projects in cooperative interaction are shown. The most fruitful regional technology platforms manifest themselves in the direction of information and telecommunication technologies and space for innovative development of Siberia, as part of the same federal technology platform. On the basis of the analysis a strategic vector of innovative development of the region as the inclusion of the major industries in the global project Asia–Sibir–Evropa is considered.
Keywords: innovative development, clusters, regional technology platforms (RTP) RTP projects, global projects, commercialization.



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Kuimov Vasily Vasil’evich – Dr. Sc., professor, Department of Trade business and marketing, Siberian Federal University, executive director of the Association “Siberian Research and Education Consortium”. E-mail: kuimov1945@mail.ru.

Kuimov Artem Olegovich – postgraduate student, Department of Trade business and marketing, Siberian Federal University.

Tolstoy Dmitry Anatolyevich – postgraduate student, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, Deputy Executive Director of the Association “Siberian Research and Education Consortium”.