UDK 338.28
T. V. Zelenskaya1, A. A. Kuznetsov2*, A. V. Medvedev2
1The Government of Krasnoyarsk Krai 110, Mira Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660009, Russian Federation 2Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation *E-mail: kuznetsov@sibsau.ru
A new technological sixth Kondratiev wave (K-wave) is superimposed on the beginning of the new institutional wave (I-wave), based on the use of creative human potential, eco-storage Economics. The most important components of K-waves and I-waves successful formation first of all are the knowledge infrastructure and information networks, and modernized the economy, the presence of high-tech core. Now in the Russian Federation the primary task is to form the above-mentioned elements of infrastructure. The key is the problem of exit from “latent” status of the economy real sector subjects and the close links establishment of new sites infrastructure and high-tech, science-intensive, innovative companies with a real capitalization of intellectual property objects and their inclusion in market “goods turnover”. In the article the ways of conversion of intellectual property in the goods and the intellectual capital evaluation meth-ods are considered. In the article the intellectual capital estimation methods are selected as a trademark, brand, patent, contracts on know-how transfer valuation. The authors described methods to determine the intellectual capital value as a whole, excluding the cost of its individual elements, namely: the market capitalization method; the Tobin coefficient calculation. The intellectual capital value measurement on the basis of information productivity is proposed. The results of intellectual property evaluation methods application becomes the reference information base for the investment analysis and the intangible asset real value confirmation on the basis of the intellectual capital elements evaluations, reducing thus the uncertainty in the company assets capitalization and, accordingly, the intellectual capital value be-comes apparent and ready for introduction on the market turnover. The rocket and space industry enterprises are the driving force of the Russian economy innovative development, so the intellectual capital assessment and planning problem is directly connected with their activities.
Keywords: innovations, intellectual property, infrastructure, high-tech, knowledge-based, intellectual capital, capitalization of assets.



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Zelenskaya Tatyana Vasiljevna – Dr. Sc., professor, adviser of deputy chair of Krasnoyarsk region government, Krasnoyarsk region government.

Kuznetsov Alexander Alekseevich Dr. Sc., Professor, Director of Institute of Space Research and High Technologies. Е-mail: kuznetsov@sibsau.ru.

Medvedev Aleksandr Vasilyevich – Dr. Sc., professor, System analysis and operational research department, Institute of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University.