UDK 338.2
O. B. Voeykova*, V. I. Lyachin
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation *E-mail: olgavoeykova@yandex.ru
Formation of innovative economy in Russia requires a theoretical understanding of the innovative space category which is poorly understood by economists. This is especially important in the formation of post-industrial socio-economic structure, which entirely depends on the scale of innovative activity, growth in the number of innovation-oriented objects, their spatial extension based on the horizontal and vertical spatial relations. The purpose of this article is to look for possible methodological approaches to categorical definition of innovative space as a special economic category. In this regard, three possible admissions to the study of innovative space were proposed, in accordance with which a generalizing definition of this economic category was made. As a first methodological technique a systematic set of spatial principles, in order to characterize the basic properties of innovative space from the point of view of natural science concepts of space is used. The second methodological technique, proposed in the article, is based on the use of ideas about the properties of the innovative environment, which largely determine the properties of the innovation space. To study the structural composition and spatial coordination of innovative space objects it is proposed to use another methodological technique based on the application of systemic principles. The article focuses on the fact that innovation space is an open self-organizing system, and therefore this is the object of study on the basis of system approach. The result has been substantiated backbone element and innovative system-function space, defining its single functional purpose. The main conclusion of this work is expanded definition of considered economic categories, according to which innovation space is defined as a system’s form of organization of innovation activity objects based on socio-economic relations that are innovative and aimed at the transformation of reality, characterized by an appropriate structure, configuration and territorial extent. The problem of innovative space research and the ways of its organization have significance for any of the sectors of the economy, including for the space industry (RCO). This is so that the spatial organization of innovation sphere of RCO, which involves finding solutions for the coordination of innovative infrastructure objects with varying degrees of remoteness from each other, as well as broken or not formed over different integration links.
Keywords: innovation space, spatial principles as a method to study spatial organization of objects of innovation activity.



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 Voeykova Olga Borisovna – Cand. Sc., Docent of Finance and credit department, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: olgavoeykova@yandex.ru.
 Lyachin Vladimir Ivanovich – Dr. Sc., professor, Head of Economics department, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University.