UDK 004.942.001.57
T. V. Piskazhova, A. V. Zavizin, A. V. Lineytsev, S. M. Tinkova
Siberian Federal University Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Materials 95, Krasnoyarskiy Rabochiy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660025, Russian Federation E-mail: zavizin.anton@yandex.ru
Despite the considerable variety of thermal equipment used in non-ferrous metallurgy, the issue of improving of metallurgical furnaces and development of new control algorithms remains topical. Improvements can be made to en-ergy saving, cost reduction and increased service life of furnaces. In this case the construction of 3D models of a multi- processing equipment with a high degree of detail and carrying out the calculations of physical fields are necessary for the modern design and technological activities. A 3D model of resistance-heated pot-type furnace with the use of SolidWorks has been created. The calculations of the temperature fields in SolidWorks Flow Simulation for different values of capacity of the on-greately have been done. The applicability of SolidWorks for possible optimization of designs and operating modes of the metallurgical furnace equipment is shown.
resistance-heated pot-type furnace, model, temperature.

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Piskazhova Tatyana Valerievna – Doctor of engineering sciences, Head of the Department of automation of pro-duction processes and heat engineerig in metallurgy industry, Siberian Federal University Institute of Nonferrous Met-als and Materials. E-mail: tpiskagova@sfu-kras.ru.

Zavizin Anton Viktorovich – postgraduate student of Siberian Federal University Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Materials. E-mail: zavizin.anton@yandex.ru.

Lineytsev Alexey Viktorovich – teaching asistant of the Department of automation of production processes and heat engineerig in metallurgy industry, Siberian Federal University Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Materials.

Tinkova Svetlana Mikhailovna – Candidate of Engineering sciences, associate professor of the Department of automation of production processes and heat engineering in metallurgy industry, Siberian Federal University Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Materials.