UDK 629.78.01 Vestnik SibGAU 2014, No. 3(55), P. 178–184
G. G. Krushenko [1], V. V. Golovanova [2]
1Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS 50, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation E-mail: genry@icm.krasn.ru 2Design Bureau "Arsenal" named after M. V. Frunze 1-3, Komsomol St., Saint-Petersburg, 195009, Russian Federation E-mail: vasilin-a@rambler.ru
Spacecrafts, which include, as a means of launching into orbit and functioning in space  engines, and artificial satellites for various purposes, are components, subassemblies, and assemblies operating in the mode of rotation, and, therefore, affected by the centrifugal forces. And, in the case of unbalance of the material from which they are made, or components relative to the axis of rotation, during operation of the corresponding objects they may be damaged as a result of imbalances that may disturb the working mode or even lead to failure of the spacecraft. In the present work as examples of negative consequences prevent of the imbalance of interest spacecraft, the technology considered balancing and rotating parts turbo-pump assembly of liquid-propellant rocket engine, and b) the electric pump unit of the spacecraft, designed to ensure the maintenance of the temperature modes of the spacecraft. Such objects of study chosen, and due to the fact that the turbo-pump rotor assembly located on it impellers operate a maximum of tens of seconds/minutes either continuously or cyclically at high speed  up to 100000 rpm, they must ensure that the temperature regime of artificial satellites for a much longer time  up to 15 years.
spacecrafts, turbo-pump assembly, liquid propellant rocket engine, electro-pump unit, balancing.
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Krushenko Genry Gavrilovich – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, professor of the Department of Aircraft engines, Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev, chief researcher of the Institute of Computational Modeling of Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: genry@icm.krasn.ru

Golovanova Vasilina Valerjevna – postgraduate student, leading engineer of the Department of special-purpose programmes, FGUP “Development laboratory “Arsenal” named after M.V. Frunze”, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. E-mail: vasilin-a@rambler.ru