UDK 539.3 Vestnik SibGAU. 2014, No. 3(55), P. 131–138
R. А. Sabirov
Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660014, Russian Federation E-mail: aaa@mail.sibsau.ru; rashidsab@mail.ru
The variational-differential method of calculation of rectilinear cores stability on axial inertial loadings is developed. The formulations of the boundary value problem of longitudinal cross bending movements are calculated: differential formulation with a final and differential approximation of the allowing equations and variational-differential one. The task is reduced to the generalized problem of own numbers – for an non-trivial vector it is required to identify its own number , here A is a matrix rigidity, B is a matrix of internal forces of inertia. In considering the differential formulation of the task the main particularity of the inertial loads is that the discrete matrix B gets null values on the main diagonal (the rows of matrix can degenerate). Another feature is associated with the approximation of the differential equations by the method of grids, which forms the matrix B asymmetrical about the main diagonal. The generalized problem has no decision like its feedback form where . Brining to the problem of eigenvalues and where and are the inverse matrix, E is the identity matrix, doesn't give any result. Therefore transition from the differential formulation of a task to the variation formulation with sampling by a variational and differential method is executed. The algorithm of formation of matrixes A and B is developed for this approach, which is based on uniform properties of variations of functional. Here the matrix is always symmetric to the main diagonal and is positively defined. Zeros on the main diagonal were presented because it is a feature of loading, however rows don't degenerate. The technique of the solution of a task is shown. Examples of calculation of own values and forms of stability loss are given. The сritical axial accelerations lose their stability and critical angular speeds for the cores rotating in a drum of the centrifuge when the core is fixed from both sides. Investigated the convergence of solutions from condensation of a finite-difference grid. Purpose: to develop a method of calculation of cores on inertial loadings.
calculation of cores, stability, variational and differential method.

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Sabirov Rasheed Altavovich – Candidate of Engineering Science, associate professor, associate professor of the department of Technical Mechanics, Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: rashidsab@mail.ru