UDK 621
P. M. Gofman1, V. V. Kolesnik2, D. I. Kovalev3, V. V. Brezitskaya3, Ch. K. Pershakova3
1Siberian State Technological University 82, Mira Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation 2Branch of PAO “OGK-2” – Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2 Zelenogorsk, 663690, Russian Federation 3Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation Е-mail: kovalev.fsu@mail.ru
This article examines the possibility of applying domestic public remote modules of communication devices with the object (USO) distributed automati-lizirovania systems of control of technological process (ACS TP) for a responsible governmental applications of thermal power plants of low and medium capacities from the point of view of the import substitution policy which is one of the most important objectives of the Government of the Russian Federation for de-velopers and manufacturers of equipment for domestic industry and energy the main normative-technical documents (national standards, standards organizations, and guidance documents) that define the requirements for subsystems of technological protections and protection of locks APCS in thermal power plants are described. The market research of the Russian public developers and manufacturers of remote input / output modules with the possibility of use them in the subsystems of collection and primary processing of information distributed automated process control systems for criti-cal applications is performed. A comparative analysis of the main technical characteristics has been conducted. The compliance of the national remote input / output modules in the sub systems of technological protection and protective interlocks APCS thermal power plants of low and medium capacities of regulatory documents, reglamentary appropri-ate construction and composition of such systems taking into account regulatory requirements (in particular RTN) from the point of view of application objects controlled by him have been reviewed. The parallel of the possibility of using remote input / output modules, produced by domestic-owned companies, along with foreign counterparts, as well as advantages over them in terms of technical support and Russian operating conditions has been done.
Keywords: technological process, automated control system, the remote module, the communication device with the object.



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Gofman Pavel Mikhailovich – Cand. Sc., head of Automation technological processes department. Siberian State Technological University. Е-mail: microsolt@mail.ru.

Kolesnik Valery Vasiljevich – deputy manager of thermal instrumentation and control shop, branch of OJSC “OGK-2”, Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2, Zelenogorsk. Е-mail: balans78@inbox.ru.

Kovalev Dmitry Igorevich – Master’s Degree student, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. Е-mail: kovalev.fsu@mail.ru.

Brezitskaya Valeriya Vitaljevna – junior researcher of the office of scientific research, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. Е-mail: kovalev.fsu@mail.ru.

Pershakova Christina Konstantinovna – junior researcher of the office of scientific research, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. Е-mail: kleniks@mail.ru.