UDK 519.248
I. I. Vainshtein1*, G. E. Mihalchenko1, J. V. Vainshtein1, K. V. Safonov2
1Siberian Federal University, Institute of Space and Information Technologies 26, Kirenskogo Str., Krasnoyarsk, 660074, Russian Federation 2Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation *Е-mail: isvain@mail.ru
The intensity function of exportation expenses for the strategy of strongly periodical systems recovery technology according to the time of carrying out preventive recoveries is investigated. The frequency functions of substitution ele-ments service time under the emergency and preventive recoveries may be not equal. In the strategy of strong periodical recovery in the case of systems crash, the emergency recoveries are carried out, and if the system had worked without a crash for a definite period of time, then preventive recoveries are performed. The case of frequency functions corre-spondence under the emergency or preventive recoveries is well studied in the mathematical theory of reliability. For the exponential distribution (where the distribution parameters are different) the correlation was established between the parameters of the distribution and the costs of emergency and preventive recoveries, when the cost inten-sity function has one minimum point. In this case a characteristic graph of the costs intensity is set. The minimum value of the cost intensity is less than the cost intensity of the strategy of emergency recovery only (for the strategy of purely emergency recovery the preventative recovery is not carried out). In general, the condition is obtained for the function of time distribution of developments of replaceable elements under emergency and preventive recovery for the choice of the strategy implementation methods under study including equal and different functions of distribution by the criterion of the minimum intensity of the operating costs. In the case, where the developments distributive laws under failures in emergency and preventive recoveries are identical, but differ in parameters. The conditions are defined for the parameters where the given strategy should be considered with not equal distribution functions for the distribution laws frequently used in the reliability theory, in particular the exponential, Erlang distribution of the nth order, Weibull–Gnedenko, Rayleigh, Maxwell, and the log-normal distribution. The results of the choice of strategies of technical systems operation in order to minimize the operating costs inten-sity of the strategy under study are considered to be valid for maximizing the availability factor.
Keywords: recovery strategy, the costs intensity, availability factor, the distribution law.



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Vainshtein Isaak Iosifovich – Cand. Sc., Professor; Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Security, Institute of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: isvain@mail.ru.

Vainshtein Yuliya Vladimirovna – Cand. Sc., Docent, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Security, Institute of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: julia_ww@mail.ru.

Mihalchenko Galina Efimovna – Cand. Sc., Docent; Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Security, Institute of Space and Information Technology, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: mihal4enko.galina@yandex.ru.

Safonov Konstantin Vladimirovich – Dr. Sc., Professor, Head Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: safonovkv@rambler.ru.