UDK 620.192 Doi: 10.31772/2587-6066-2020-21-2-279-288
N. G. Filippenko, A. G. Larchenko
Irkutsk State Transport University; 15, Chernyshevsky St., 664074, Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Recent decades have been characterized by increased activity in the use of polymer and composite materials in transport engineering. In this paper, the authors give a generalizing analysis of previously created systems of scientific research and analyze the principles of building automated systems of scientific research (ASSR) that allow solving the problems of determining the parameters of heat exchange, electrophysical parameters and phase transformations in polymer and composite materials when exposed to the HF field. The authors continue the research of the ASSR HF developed by the Irgups team, a number of other scientific schools working in the same direction.therefore, within the framework of the hardware created by these teams, both similar and original developments and solutions are viewed. The analysis of the software parts of the ASSR HF presented by a number of mathematical models and software complexes is given. Thus, the analysis of the structure of the developed systems of scientific research allows us to speak about its dynamic development. The developed and presented flowcharts of automated experiment and automated research systems allow the author to assert that the systems of automated experiment for studying the properties of polymer materials in RF electrothermia created for cer-tain tasks, despite the fact that they were conducted independently and separately, have a single construction methodology. Comparing the results of the research, the author concludes that the construction of a complex system of ASSR HF polar thermoplastic polymers is generally complete
Keywords: automated scientific research systems, high-frequency electrothermics, polymer products, meth-odology for building research systems.

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Filippenko Nikolay Grigorievich – Cand. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department Automation of Production
Processes; Irkutsk State Transport University. E-mail:Pentagon@mail.ru.
Larchenko Anastasia Gennadyevna – Cand. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department Automation of Production
Processes; Irkutsk State Transport University. E-mail: Larchenkoa@inbox.ru.