UDK 629.58 Doi: 10.31772/2587-6066-2020-21-2-163-169
D. A. Volkov, A. V. Sayapin, K. V. Safonov, A. A. Kuznetsov
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology; 31, Krasnoyarskii rabochii prospekt, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
Inspection of underwater objects, such as underwater archaeological sites, sunken technical objects, and un-der water located technical structures, requires the use of specially trained divers, manned or unmanned, re-motely operated or autonomous underwater vehicles. A relatively rarely used design for such underwater vehicles is a design in the form of a quadrotor with posi-tive buoyancy. This article discusses the design and the control system of the remotely operated underwater vehicle in the form of a quadrotor. The aim of the work is the selection and justification of the shape of the vehicle, the selection of the optimal structure of the control system with the expectation of the subsequent use of the vehicle as an au-tonomous one. The potential advantages of the selected design in the form of a quadcopter with a cylindrical body are de-scribed, in particular, the large volume of the sealed space of the vehicle, the possibility of installing capacious power sources, the potential for stabilizing the vehicle in a given position if there is a current at the place of work. The sealed case of the device is designed to place control electronics, power electronics and battery power of the device. The selection and justification of the shape of the sealed enclosure were made using a hydrostatic modeling apparatus and theoretical mechanics. A solid cylinder made of polycarbonate was selected as a form of the sealed housing of the vehicle. The advantage of the selected form in comparison with the parallelepiped-shaped case is shown under the condition of the same material parameters. The control system of the device includes software and hardware components. The choice of hardware com-ponents is justified, their key characteristics are described. As the control device of the top level, a single board computer (SBC, Single Board Computer) Orange Pi PC was selected, the direct control of the motor of the vehi-cle is performed using the Cortex-M3 microcontroller. The software architecture of the device is described. The choice of architecture is determined by the requirements of poorly connected components (which makes it easy to replace particular software elements without the need to modify the other elements), the simplicity of the potential replacement of the top-level control modules (which potentially allows switching from a remote control model to an autonomous control model). Some software components are described. The control system is implemented with the high-level lan-guage Python version 3.7, the basis of the control mechanism is message passing, the MQTT protocol maintained by the Mosquitto server is selected as a messaging mechanism. Testing of the vehicle was carried out in pools with standing water and with a simulated current. Testing showed the need to gain experience to control the underwater vehicle. The study will allow us to further develop a new version of the underwater vehicle, taking into account the wishes and identified problems.
Keywords: robotics, underwater archaeology, underwater vehicle, quadcopter, control system, hardware-software complex.

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Volkov Denis Andreevich – Master’s Degree Student; Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and
Technology. Е-mail: vlkden@yandex.ru.
Sayapin Aleksandr Vladimirovich – Cand. Sc., Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics;
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. Е-mail: alstutor@gmail.com.
Safonov Konstantin Vladimirovich – D. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics;
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. Е-mail: safonovkv@rambler.ru.
Kuznetsov Aleksandr Alekseevich – D. Sc., Professor, Director of the Institute of Space Research and High
Technologies; Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. Е-mail: alex_kuznetsov80@mail.ru.