UDK 621.31; 66.04 Doi: 10.31772/2587-6066-2019-20-3-398-408
A. A. Tyapin, E. S. Kinev, S. S. Bezhitsky
Thermal Electrical Systems Ltd., 12, Spandaryan St., Krasnoyarsk, 660020, Russian Federation; Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation. E-mail: kinev_es@ontecom.com
The article describes an approach to optimization of the electromagnetic regimes of an induction metallurgical plant, designed to mix liquid aluminum under the influence of a running magnetic field. To improve the properties of the molten metal in the furnace, short pole linear magnetohydrodynamic machines with copper windings and a steel core are used. The open configuration of the magnetic circuit and the magnetic coupling between the windings of the inductor lead to asymmetry of the magnetic field. As a rule, a low-frequency transistor inverter is used in the power supply system of metallurgical machines intended to affect non-ferrous metals. Asymmetrical currents in the phases create specific modes of the frequency converter, close to emergency, and a two-phase, three-phase or multi-phase power supply system may become unbalanced. To calculate the integral magnetic fluxes in the toothed zone of an induction installation, it is convenient to apply a multiphase nonlinear model of a magnetic circuit. As a result of the iterative calculation, vector magnetic flux diagrams are obtained and the tractive forces in the melt are estimated. The best conditions for the impact on the melt are obtained with a given objective function when searching for options during optimization of the magnetizing forces of the windings.
Keywords: three-phase induction plant, induction MHD machine, mathematical modeling, non-linear model of the magnetic circuit, magnetic flux vector diagram, three-phase IGBT inverter, parametric optimization.

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Tyapin Alexey Andreevich – Project Manager, Thermal Electric Systems LLC. E-mail:

Kinev Evgeny Sergeevich – Cand. Sc., Director; Thermal Electric Systems LLC. E-mail:

Bezhitskiy Sergey Sergeevich – Cand. Sc., docent of system analysis and operation research department; Reshetnev
Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail: bezhitsk@mail.ru.