UDK 629.78.051:537.221 Doi: 10.31772/2587-6066-2018-19-2-325–331
R. E. Tikhomirov, I. A. Maximov, D. A. Trofimchuk, V. V. Ivanov, S. V. Balashov
JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev” Information Satellite Systems”; 52, Lenin Str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russian Federation
Modern spacecraft consists of structural materials with different electro-physical characteristics, and it causes the occurrence of charge-discharge processes on the spacecraft during interaction with the magnetospheric plasma. The study of this phenomena arising during the natural spacecraft charging and its influence on the onboard systems func-tioning is of great interest in the field of ensuring the stability of spacecraft under the space factors influence. The paper presents the experimental results of charge-discharge processes occurring in detachable connectors dur-ing in-space exploitation after undocking the separating device and placing the spacecraft onto the orbital slot. For the determination of impact factors characteristics of electrostatic discharge and its potential effect on spacecraft board equipment the charge-discharge processes research methods with account of spacecraft equipment interfaces were de-signed. For modeling of electrostatic discharge in detachable connectors and its effects in technological circuits of spacecraft equipment the imitation loads were applied. These loads include input interface elements of spacecraft power convectors and onboard control complex. The results show that the dielectric material of connector contact field can accumulate a charge to the value limited by the discharge on it. Discharge processes on the dielectric material induce interfering pulses in onboard cable har-ness and can have a significant impact on the work of onboard equipment. The obtained results are useful in spacecraft equipment designing in the sphere of interference immunity.
Keywords: electrostatic discharge, spacecraft charging, plasma, spacecraft detachable connector.

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Tikhomirov Roman Evgen’evich – 1st category engineer, JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev” Information

Satellite Systems”. Е-mail: tikhroman@iss-reshetnev.com.

Maximov Igor Aleskandrovich – Dr. Sc., head of department, JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev” Information

Satellite Systems”. Е-mail: mia@iss-reshetnev.ru.

Trofimchuk Denis Aleskandrovich – head of group, JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev” Information Satellite

Systems”. Е-mail: maximov@iss-reshetnev.ru.

Ivanov Vladimir Vasil’evich – Cand. Sc., vice head of department, JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev”

Information Satellite Systems”. Е-mail: ivanov@iss-reshetnev.ru.

Balashov Sergey Vladimirovich – head of sector, JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev” Information Satellite

Systems”. Е-mail: balashow@iss-reshetnev.ru.