UDK 629.78.015 DoI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2018-19-1-76-81
I. K. Kolovsky*, D. N. Shmakov, V. N. Podolyakin
JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev” Information Satellite Systems” 52, Lenin Str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russian Federation *Е-mail: kolovigor@mail.ru
In the present investigation we envisage the spacecraft motion of Gonets-M (Gn-M) orbit group which is located in a circular orbit at a height of 1500 km with an inclination of 82.5 degrees. Its movement is measured based on the current navigation parameters which reveal its orbital motion analysis. Gn-M has a special characteristic feature of rotation with apsidal motion in frozen orbit. Based on this fact, the present study was carried out with the conception of a frozen orbit of Gn-M by investigating eccentricity parameter e and perigee argument w. The comparative analysis is presented as graphs which indicates the variation in the values of eccentricity parameters e and the perigee argument w which is calculated based on the current navigation parameters and the predicted motion of Gn-M. An orbital measurement was carried out by studying three Gn-M of the same orbital plane over a period of one year. The study insight on the complete analysis of specific changing revolution of the nodical period of Gn-M staying at frozen orbit. The amplitude vibrations of an orbital nodical period are calculated and compared with the orbital parameters of Gn-M which are in the same orbital plane. Overall the results obtained in the present investigation are promising enough which can aid in improving the calculation accuracy of orbit correction parameters of Gn-M.
spacecraft, orbital parameters, eccentricity, perigee argument, nodical period, ballistics.

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Kolovsky Igor Konstantinovich – the 2nd category engineer, JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev “Information

Satellite Systems”. E-mail: kolovigor@mail.ru.

Shmakov Dmitri Nikolaevich – leading engineer, JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev “Information Satellite Systems”.

Podolyakin Vladimir Nikiforovich – Cand. Sc., leading engineer, JSC “Academician M. F. Reshetnev

“Information Satellite Systems”.