UDK 621.383 DoI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2018-19-1-59-65
M. A. Genali1*, S. K. Sharov1, A. A. Lebedev1, 2, N. T. Vagapova1, B. V. Zhalnin1
1JSC “Research and Production Enterprise “Kvant” 16, 3rd Mytischinskaya Str., Moscow, 129626, Russian Federation 2The National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” 4, Leninsky Av., Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation *E-mail: otdel_17@npp-kvant.ru
Solar cells based on AIIIBV materials in solar arrays are the main energy sources for most modern spacecraft. In spite of the fact that high characteristics have already been achieved, the work for improving solar cells is being continued due to the growth of energy consumption by spacecraft. One of the directions is decreasing solar radiation reflection by solar cell surface due to the deposition of antireflection coating (ARC). In the article we show the results of the study of ARC (Ta2O5 / SiO2). We have presented the results of spectral and thickness calculations by special software of ARC on the triple junction (InGaP / InGaAs / Ge) solar cell taking into account cell structure as well. We have performed the experiment of ARC on the glass-substrate to confirm the manufacturability of the process. ARC deposition has been made by electron-beam evaporation in vacuum. The results of investigation of spectral characteristics of samples obtained by a spectrophotometer confirm the uniformity of covering without relation to the sample position in a machine. Spectral characteristic calculations for glass-substrate coincide with experimental data. The results of studying spectral characteristics of ARC on a solar cell demonstrate good correspondence with experimental data. The electric characteristics measured by the solar simulator (AM0) before and after the ARC covering on the experimental samples show the increase of short-circuit current up to 122 mA and the rise of efficiency up to 7.5 %. We have demonstrated the results of scanning electron microscopic investigation of ARC on the different positions of solar cells.
antireflection coating (ARC), triple junction (TJ) solar cells, current-voltage characteristic, tantalum oxide (V), silicon oxide (IV).

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Genali Marina Aleksandrovna – senior research scientist, JSC “Research and Production Enterprise “Kvant”.

E-mail: marinagenali@gmail.com.

Sharov Sergey Konstantinovich – Cand. Sc., senior principal manufacturing engineer, JSC “Research and

Production Enterprise “Kvant”. E-mail: otd_17@npp.kvant.

Lebedev Andrey Alexandrovich – senior research scientist, JSC “Research and Production Enterprise “Kvant”;

the 2nd category engineer, Department of Physical Chemistry, National Research Technological University “MISIS”.

E-mail: otdel_17@kvant.ru.

Vagapova Nargiza Tukhtamyshevna – Cand. Sc., leading researcher, JSC “Research and Production Enterprise

“Kvant”. E-mail: otdel_17@kvant.ru.

Zhalnin Boris Viktorovich – Cand. Sc., head of department, JSC “Research and Production Enterprise “Kvant”.

E-mail: otdel_17@kvant.ru.