UDK 621.318.562.5
A. N. Pakhomov, M. F. Korotkov, A. A. Fedorenko
Siberian Federal University; 79, Svobodny Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
The subject of the study includes dynamic characteristics of variable frequency induction motor with a modal control. The topic of research that received the greatest distribution system transmitter frequency with independent voltage inverter with pulse-width modulation is an asynchronous motor. The purpose of the work is to study the dynamic properties of the actuator with a modal control, as well as recommendations for the practical use of engineered control systems. In our research work we used the following methods. To solve the given problem the modern theory of electric, the theory of automatic control, the continuous Laplace transform, the method of transfer functions and state space by standard polynomial equations were used. Experimental study of the results obtained theoretically was held by mathematical modeling in time field using personal electronic computer. As a result, the analysis of the work of the modal systems and slave control of asynchronous electric motor as an example of the condensate pump is given. The estimation of the quality control processes of coordinates by analyzing the results of simulation system in the medium MatLab is given. The results can be applied in the system of variable frequency drive with more controlled output coordinates, for example, robotic machines and devices, electromechanical systems and other space vehicles. In the work the comparative analysis of systems and subordinate modal control is given. It was found that the benefits of the use of modal regulators compared to the same regulators built on the principle of subsidiarity control, is that: a) consideration of the frequency control system with induction motormodal regulator has approximately twice the speed compared with those of a subordinate authority; b) the modal regulators have greater noise immunity and are less sensitive to changes in the internal parameters of the motor, compared with controls built on the principle subordinate regulation; c) the stiffness of the mechanical characteristics of the drive system with a closed modal control is significantly higher than in the system with the slave control.
Keywords: a modal regulator, the alternating current electric drive, vector system, condensate pump.

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Pakhomov Alexander Nikolaevich – Cand. Sc., Docent, Docent of Department of Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems, Polytechnical Institute, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: pnalex@mail.ru.

Korotkov Maxim Fedorovich – postgraduate student, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: hamsterboo@mail.ru.

Fedorenko Alexander Aleksandrovich – Cand. Sc., Docent, Docent of Department of Electrotechnical complexes and systems, Polytechnical institute, Siberian Federal University.