UDK 512.54
V. I. Senashov
Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS; 50/44, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation; Siberian Federal University; 79, Svobodniy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
W. Burnside raised the issue of locally finiteness of groups, all elements of which have finite order. A negative answer was received only in 1964 by E. S. Golod. Later S. V. Aleshin, R. I. Hryhorczuk, V. I. Sushchanskii proposed series of negative examples. Finiteness of the free Burnside group of period n installed at different times for n = 2, n = 3 (W. Burnside), n = 4 (W. Burnside, I. N. Sanov), n = 6 (M. Hall). Proof of infinity of this group for odd n ≥ 4381 was given by P. S. Novikov and S. I. Adian (1967), and for odd n ≥ 665 in the book of S. I. Adian (1975). More intuitive version of the proof for odd n > 1010 was proposed by A. Yu. Olshansky (1989). In connection with these results we consider sets of aperiodic words. Under the l-aperiodic word understand the word X if in it there is no non-empty subwords of the form Yl. We consider the question about the number of 2-aperiodic words in a two-letter alphabet and how many 3-aperiodic words in this alphabet. In the monograph of S. I. Adian (1975) shows a proof of S. E. Arshon (1937) of the fact that in the two letters alphabet there is an infinite set of arbitrarily long 3-aperiodic words. In the book of A. Yu. Olshansky (1989) a theorem on the infinity of the set of 6-aperiodic words and obtained a lower bound function for the number of words of a given length was proved. Our aim is to get more accurate estimate for the function f (n) of the number of 6-aperiodic words of given length n . The results can be applied when encoding information is used in space communications.
Keywords: group, periodic word, aperiodic word, alphabet, local finiteness.

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11. Senashov V. I. [Aperiodic words]. Materialy XIX Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. Konf. “Reshetnevskiye chteniya” Proceedings of XIX Intern. scientific and practical. conf. “Reshetnev Readings”] (10-14 Nov. 2015, Krasnoyarsk). Krasnoyarsk, SibSAU Publ., 2015, Part 2, P. 132–133 (In Russ.).

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Senashov Vladimir Ivanovich – Dr. Sc., professor, leading researcher, Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS; professor of Department of Algebra and Logistics, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: sen1112home@mail.ru.