UDK 31.522.4.001.895
B. D. Sandanova
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarskiy Rabochiy Аv., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
Innovative activity is highly relevant means of adaptation of the military-industrial complex in accordance with the requirements of the time. Innovative activity of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in modern conditions is the most expensive to build the most advanced models of equipment on the existing level of knowledge, but it has farreaching prospects both in equipment and in product sales. Organization of high-tech, competitive production is possible only on condition of military-industrial complex skilled workers that have high intellectual and creative potential. This increases the demands on management mechanisms related to the formation and development of human capital. The article is devoted to research and identify the characteristics of the human capital in the development and implementation of innovations at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex. In order to describe the characteristics of the human capital adopted a typology of innovations on the scale caused by the effects. The results of the study showed that depending on the implementation of strategic and ongoing innovation are changing the characteristics of the human capital of the structural elements: physiological capital, professional and personal capital, intellectual capital. The difference between the workers involved in the development and implementation of strategic innovation is the focus on the formation and development of human capital, while the workers involved in the implementation of current innovations focused on maximum utilization and human capital formation. The results obtained allowed to determine the main directions of formation and development of human capital for innovative development of enterprises of the military-industrial complex.
human capital, the military-industrial complex, innovative activity, types of innovation.

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Sandanova Baira Dashinimaevna – postgraduate student, Department of International Personnel and Project Management, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: sandanova@sibsau.ru.