UDK 330.0.5
N. D. Korsukova
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
In the article the author analyzes the factors of growth in defence industry. The analysis is based on the general regularities of the reproduction of capital. The approaches to the reasons of the role of different factors in increase of labor productivity on the example of classical, marginal, neoclassical theories are considered. The author gives the characteristic of the modern situation in economy and in defence industry. Due to the imposition of sanctions against Russia from the developed countries, the implementation of the program of development of defensive branches meets certain difficulties. Therefore the necessity of search, first of all, of internal sources of financing of conversions in the defensive industry is justified. Based on the theory of reproduction, reserves of growth are associated with accumulation fund and some part of compensation fund. Therefore the formation of necessary investment resources and their effective use assumes a new quality of financial system in the country and a new model of relations between real and nominal sectors of economy. The state is obliged to be guided not on the demand economy, but on the supply-side economy. Therefore it must create a distinct industrial policy where the policy of import substitution will become a component. In innovative economy a major factor of growth is knowledge. Reproduction of knowledge is subject to transformation of a human factor into the human capital which moves apart from boundaries of production and influences productivity and efficiency of work. The financial sector of economy has to provide adequate conditions of transformation of knowledge into a decisive factor of economic development and change the functional purpose.
reproduction approach, agents of production, cumulative social demand, budgetary rule, monetization of economy, efficiency of labor.

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Korsukova Nina Dmitrievna – Cand. Sc., docent, Department of Economic, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: nina_dmitrievna@mail.ru.