UDK 339.138
V. A. Bogomolov, Yu. V. Danilchenko
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
The aim of the article is to identify the factors that determine the attractiveness of an industry with a view to their further use in conducting strategic analysis. The information about the share of Russian companies in the total world production of rocket and space technology is given. A comparison of the level of competition on the Russian and world markets of aerospace industry in 2012–2014 is given. The characteristic of dynamics and trends of the world market of space activities is submitted. The structure of the world market of space activities, including the share of the private and public sectors, and trends in their changes is presented. The necessity of output of Russian enterprises of aerospace industry in the global market is justified. The article proposes an ordered list of the factors that determine the attractiveness of industries and markets products of rocket and space industry, which must be taken into account in strategic planning activities in the global market. The list of information sources and baseline data for the analysis of industries and markets is given. The comparative characteristic of the analytical and research reports on the state of and outlook for production of rocket and space industry, as well as on the possible direction of the market the first 20- 30 years of the XXI century are submitted. The method for using the results of the analysis of the attractiveness of the sector for strategic planning of enterprises of rocket-space industry of Russia in the world market is presented.
world market of space activity, strategic planning, space industry, space activity, world market.

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Bogomolov Valentin Andreevich – senior teacher, Department of Management, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail: 2959735@gmail.com.

Danilchenko Yuri Vitalievich – Cand. Sc., docent, head of Department of Management, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University.E-mail: danilchenko@sibsau.ru.