UDK 332.1
E. N. Sochneva, E. A. Voronin, D. V. Zyablikov
Siberian Federal University 79, Svobodny Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
The paper presents the relevance of regional planning. It proves that the innovative way of regional economy development is the most effective at the present stage. Each region follows its own way of innovative development and each one has its own peculiar characteristics. Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the regions of innovative development, which is proved by various researchers and independent research agencies classifying the regions of Russia on different grounds. Thus, the region with the focus on innovative economic development requires a special social and economic policy, consisting of two aspects - social and economic. Social policy should reproduce human capital as the main factor in the social and economic development of the region. Human capital, in turn, is formed from three interconnected components: reproduction of human resources (demographic policy), their formation and focus vector (employment policy on the labor market) and development of human resources or transformation of human capital into human potential (education policy). For each of the three specified directions, particular recommendations are given within the framework of innovative development. It is necessary, for instance, to introduce a number of benefits that enable mothers to combine their work (study) and their main female function to stimulate the demographic policy. Within the framework of the employment policy, it is proposed to strengthen vocational guidance work to help young people’s choice in the labor market. The education system should be made more accessible to all segments of population in order to increase its efficiency and quality. As for creating economic basis for innovative development, various forms of business associations and consolidations, such as strategic scientific alliances, investment public-private partnerships and technology platforms are proposed. Technological platforms can become an effective form of business for Krasnoyarsk Territory, since they will make it possible to use the scientific potential of large universities in the region. The place of small businesses and self-employment in the regional economy of innovative type is defined as an auxiliary infrastructure of large industrial associations in the region.
Social and economic policy, region, innovative development, social policy, economic basis, human capital.

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Sochneva Elena Nikolaevna – Cand. Sc., Docent, Department of Theoretical foundations of economics, SiberianFederal University. E-mail: Sochneva.e@inbox.ru.

Voronin Evgeniy Aleksandrovich – Deputy Vice-Rector, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. Е-mail: voronin@sibsau.ru.

Zyablikov Dmitry Valeryevich – Cand. Sc., Docent, Department of Theoretical foundations of economics, Siberian Federal University. Е-mail: rewtyu@mail.ru.