UDK 330.34+330.341:338.40
Yu. V. Erygin, E. V. Borisova
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
The role of innovative infrastructure in the solution of problems of commercialization of innovative capacity of the enterprises of the defense industry complex in the article is defined. The article is devoted to the formation of the mechanism of commercialization of innovative capacity of defense industry enterprises. The essence of this mechanism consists of forming of network interaction between objects of innovative infrastructure and defense industry enterprises which possess unique elements of innovative potential. These objects of innovative infrastructure include objects of market, investment and financial infrastructure of national and international level. Involvement of objects of innovative infrastructure and defense industry enterprises in a commercial turnover allows carrying out fully commercialization of innovative products, technologies, services. Creation of network interaction of defense industry enterprises and objects of innovative infrastructure is based on combination of their efforts and coordination in the uniform chain. This association is carried out on the basis of mutual interest for achievement of the general end results of implementation of innovative projects in the course of commercialization. Criteria of the choice of forms of network interaction are offered: the nature of interaction of objects of innovative infrastructure, sufficiency of resources for realization of business processes. The method of the choice of forms of network interaction of objects of innovative infrastructure is developed. This method provides achievement of the minimum expenses at realization of portfolios of business processes and decrease in risks of functioning of objects of innovative infrastructure. The use of the offered organizational forms of network interaction allows involving the state, banks, innovative funds and objects of innovative infrastructure. It participates in the distribution of risks of realization of portfolios of business processes of innovative projects between all participants of network interaction. It promotes diversification of risks and allows considering organizational interaction as one of the ways of decrease in the innovative risks arising in the course of commercialization of innovative capacity of defense industry enterprises. The author’s instruments of creation of network interaction of objects of innovative infrastructure can be used by federal and regional authorities when developing the directions of further development and increase in efficiency of functioning of innovative infrastructure of regions and also all participants of process of commercialization in general.
defense industry complex, commercialization of innovative potential, innovative infrastructure, network interaction, organizational forms of creation of network interaction, criteria of the choice of forms, risks.

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Erygin Yuriy Vladimirovich – Dr. Sc., professor, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology.

Borisova Elena Vladimirovna – postgraduate student. Department of Finance and Credit, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. Е-mail: borisovaev2015@mail.ru.

E-mail: yuri_erygin@mail.ru.