UDK 621.454.2
E. N. Yartsev, V. P. Nazarov, N. S. Teryaev
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
Production and assembling of pipelines to liquid rocket engines is a difficult technological challenge associated with the placement of pipelines in confined spaces. Currently, the industry standards describe the main method by which developed a set of technical documentation for the manufacture and placing of pipes into rocket engine. Thus this technology requires large amounts of manual labor and does not guarantee the optimal configuration software and the quality of products. The solution of these problems is introducing in the production process of liquid rocket engine automated manufacturing of pipes system, which use 3D-modeling. It allows to eliminate the complex and time-consuming process of manufacturing pipe’s model, reduce labor in the process of production liquid rocket engine, improve accuracy of manufacturing and assembly of the pipeline, to eliminate the need to tuck a pipeline during assembling to liquid rocket engines, be excluded from the design of the engine compensating units. The article proposes the solution for the modernization of technological assembly process liquid rocket engine, aimed at increasing productivity and product quality. The paper presents the algorithm of the automated manufacturing system of pipelines, considers the technical conditions for the development of the control program (technology) bending pipes on machines with numerical program management.
workflow, technological process, automation, liquid rocket engine.

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Yartsev Evgeniy Nikolaevich – postgraduate student, Department of Aircraft engines, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail: yartseven.akruks@gmail.com.

Nazarov Vladimir Pavlovich – Cand. Sc., professor, head of Department of Aircraft Engines, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail: nazarov@sibsau.ru.

Teryaev Nikolay Sergeevich – postgraduate student, Department of Machine-building technology, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology.