UDK 629.783
A. P. Kravchunovsky, M. N. Draganyuk, D. M. Zuev, S. A. Skorobogatov, P. V. Movchan
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation
The article includes the conception and several results of the development of the PocketQub student spacecraft, namely the prototype of the student satellite SibQube is designed. In the article there are some midget spacecrafts standards known for today, their main distinctions which are consisted in dimensions of the satellite and its tasks. The article defines the goals of the creation of the platform: its usage in the educational sphere and running experiments in the space area. This article presents the most major factors of developing and projected constitution of the service platform of the midget spacecraft. After testing the spacecraft body and its further modifications, it is possible to use it as the base for the range of midget spacecraft bodies intended for the researching of atmosphere top layers and near-the-earth space. We designed and produced the prototype of the spacecraft body. The article describes the body construction of developing PocketQub spacecraft and usage of the structure elements of the construction and their functioning particularities in it. We defined the materials for the model producing. Besides, the article describes reasons for their choice. In addition, we have made a strength analysis of satellite structure, namely mode identification analysis to find normal frequencies, static analysis of the effects of linear accelerations within limits of 20 g, appeared during the flight of the Dnepr launch vehicle, and dynamical analysis of random influences. Based on the results of the analysis preliminary conclusions were made about the construction strength and stability when the determinants discussed above influence.
spacecraft, PocketQub, structure, picosatellite.

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2. The PocketQub Standard. Available at: http://pocketqub.org/standard/ (accessed: 15.10.2015).

3. SunCube FemtoSat Standard. Available at: http://suncube.asu.edu/ (accessed: 21.11.2016).

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7. PQ60 standart. An electrical standard for PocketQubes. Available at: http://www.pq60.info/ (accessed:20.11.2016).

8. Making it small. Available at: http://mstl.atl.calpoly.edu/~bklofas/Presentations/DevelopersWorkshop2009/1_Twiggs-PocketQub.pdf (accessed: 20.11.2016).

9. $50SAT – Eagle2. Available at: http://www.50dollarsat.info/ (accessed: 20.11.2016).

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12. T-LogoQube. Available at: https://universe.sonoma.edu/T-LogoQube/?q=public (accessed: 20.11.2016).

13. Zuev D. M., Kravchunovsky A. P., Lapaev K. A., Skorobogatov S. A., Kostyukov A. S. [Concept of “Sib-Qube” student satellite bus]. Materialy XX Yubileynoymezhdunar. nauch.konf. “Reshetnevskie chteniya” [Materials XX Anniversary Intern. Scientific. Conf. “Reshetnev readings”]. Krasnoyarsk, 2016, P. 622–623 (In Russ.).

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15. Dnepr User’s Guide. Available at: http://www.kosmotras.en/docs_mkk/ (accessed: 14.8.2016).

Kravchunovsky Anton Pavlovich – student, group A14-01, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail: anton.kravchunovsky@yandex.ru.

Draganyuk Mikhail Nikolaevich – student, group МА15-01, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail: draganyuk@yandex.ru.

Movchan Pavel Valerevich – student, group MII15-01, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail: movchan.pv@gmail.com.

Zuev Dmitry Mikhailovich – student, group MFI15-01, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail: ZuevDmitriy93@yandex.ru.

Skorobogatov Stanislav Alekseevich – student, group MFT16-01, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology. E-mail: s.t.a.s.