UDK 681.5
A. P. Prokopev, V. I. Ivanchura, R. T. Emelyanov, L. V. Scurihin
Siberian Federal University 79, Svobodny Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russian Federation
The research examines the technique of synthesis of the PID controller control systems for objects of the second order, characteristic of mobile, construction and road-building and road-building machines. As the theoretical basis the modal method is considered for linear systems with respect to the location of the actual poles. The results of analytical research that establishes the influence of the poles on the range of variation of the transient response are given. The analytical expressions defining the values of the components of the transient characteristics of the closed-loop automatic control system with object of the second order have been taken. Expression for calculating the coefficients of the PID regulator, including coefficients of the transfer functions of second order with given value of the actual poles have been defined. The techniques on a concrete example in the environment of Mathcad have been checked. Using the proposed method characteristic features of the influence of model input factors impact on the transition process have been revealed. Simulation showed that at a certain value of the coefficient of the first derivative in the numerator of the transfer function is not zero; the initial value of the transient response will be included in the 5 % zone steady-state value. This suggests the possibility of a significant reduction of the transient time.
Keywords: automatic control system, synthesis, PID control, the modal method, the actual poles, transfer characteristic.

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Prokopev Andrey Petrovich - Cand. Sc., docent, Department of Engineering Systems of Buildings and Structures,

Engineering-construction Institute, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: prok1@yandex.ru.

Ivancura Vladimir Ivanovich - Dr. Sc., professor, Department of Automation Systems, automated control and

design, Institute of Space and Information Technologies, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: ivan43ura@yandex.ru.

Emelyanov Rurik Timofeevich - Dr. Sc., professor, Department of Engineering Systems of Buildings and

Structures, Engineering-construction Institute, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: ert-44@yandex.ru.

Scurihin Lev Victorovich - postgraduate student, Department of Highways and Urban structures, Engineeringconstruction

Institute, Siberian Federal University. E-mail: lioon@mail.ru.