UDK 536.46
М. Е. Baranov1, L. А. Gerasimova1, V. E. Gerasimova1, S. V. Khizhnyak2
1Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation 2Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University 90, Mira Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation
The object of the study was the soil and the soil in the storage area of KRT military unit 12313 (technical missile base), which was located in 11 km south-west of Pamyati 13 Bortsov village Emelyanovsky district of Krasnoyarsk region. The levels of radiation (exposure and equivalent doses of external gamma-radiation levels of alpha- and betafields, the specific activity of radionuclides, including man-made cesium-137) on the object correspond to background characteristics. The concentration of KRT in soil is 0.001 mg/l, which corresponds to the level of “Danger” according to the testimony of the army device of chemical investigation. Bioindication with the use of Pinus sylvestris L., as well as the bioassay using Lepidium sativum L. showed that after the elimination of the military unit near the settlement of Pamyati 13 Bortsov due to contact with soil significant amount of KRT was unfavorable ecological situation that has reflected in maintaining a high level of phytotoxicity of soil. Special structures, debris, remains of tanks, fuel valves with chemical contaminants are ownerless there. This requires conducting the reclamation of the area. When carrying out detoxification and rehabilitation of soils a strong spatial irregularity of the level of residual contamination must be considered. To calculate the volume and technology of works it is recommended to carry out microbiological analysis of soil and to make a detailed map of phytotoxicity. When drawing the map of phytotoxicity it is recommended to consider the following set of indicators: the energy of the germination test cultures, mitotic index, and length of seedlings on the 5th day of cultivation.
Keywords: unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, soil, phytotoxicity, bioassay, reclamation.

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Baranov Mikhail Evgen’evich – Cand. Sc., docent, faculty of Military training, Reshetnev Siberian State

Aerospace University. E-mail: me_baranov@mail.ru.

Gerasimova Ludmila Anatol’evna – Cand. Sc., docent, docent of Department of Environmental engineering,

faculty of Mechanical engineering and mechatronics, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail:


Gerasimova Valeria Evgen’evna – senior teacher, Department of Finance and credit, Reshetnev Siberian State

Aerospace University. E-mail: I-ejik @yandex.ru.

Khizhnyak Sergei Vital’evich – Dr. Sc., docent, professor of Department of Ecology and natural sciences,

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. E-mail: Khizhnyak @yandex.ru.