UDK 621.316.9
E. D. Shemelev, M. A. Trushin, N. V. Yurkovets, R. A. Akzhigitov, N. A. Titov
Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk 660037, Russian Federation
At the present time electrical power system, electrical equipment and electrical systems are widely used on modern aircrafts of civil aviation, performing different functions. As a major part of aviation equipment, these systems have combined the sources of electrical energy, the electrical network of the distribution system and consumers of electricity. On modern aircraft the main sources of electric energy generators are of three-phase current voltage of 200/115 V, stable constant frequency of 400 Hz. From trouble-free operation of the system of electricity depends on the efficiency of all systems of the aircraft, powered by energy current and will eventually secure the essential task of flight for the carriage of passengers, cargo, etc. In the given work the analysis of the power system three-phase alternating current of an aircraft for example an aircraft Il-96. Basic four-channel system AC three phase 200/115 V, stabilized frequency of 400 H is considered. The composition and types of protection channels generate are presented. Strengths and weaknesses of the existing system of protection against short circuits in the generator or feeder, from the increase in voltage in any phase, from the deviation of frequency, from breakage of any phase, overload channel when current in any phase, and so on have been identified. Proposals for improving the existing protection of power supply system with a view to its further efficiency with high reliability and dependability have been developed and presented.
Keywords: reliability, safety, operability, reliability, electrical equipment, electrical systems.

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Shemelev Evgeny Dmitrievich – student, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail:


Trushin Maxim Alexandrovich – student, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, chair of the PNK.

E-mail: dk-max@mail.ru.

Yurkovets Nikolay Vladimirovich – Cand. Sc., docent, Department of Technical operation of aviation electrical

systems and flight and navigation complexes, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail:


Akzigitov Revo Avkhadievich – deputy dean for study and educational work, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace

University. E-mail: akzigitov-r@mail.ru.

Titov Nikolay Aleksandrovich – student, Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University. E-mail:
